Alatúlië, meldë.

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Name: Ravena (Common Tongue), Visenyä (Birthname)

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Name: Ravena (Common Tongue), Visenyä (Birthname)

Race: Eldanúrhil, Immortal

Birth: T.A. 1953, August (988 years old)

Occupation: Assassin

Alias: The White Sorceress (Nimcurunaith)


Quenta Silmarillion | Akallabêth

War of Wraths (First Age) was the war between the Valar, Maiar and Men against Morgoth (Melkor). Morgoth was defeated, then was thrusted into the Void. Because of those Men's extraordinary victory during the war, Manwë along with the other Valar, rewarded them with a land solely for themselves, the island of Númenor, located between Middle-Earth, Tol Eressëa and Aman.

At that time, the brothers, Elros and Elrond were the chieftains of Men since they were both peredhil. The Valar gave them the choice of being immortal or mortal. Elros choose the latter, and so he became the first king of Númenor. His people are called the Dúnedain or the Númenóreans, blessed with long-life, greater wisdom and physical stature, but they are still subject to death if the time comes. Eönwë stayed behind to guide and teach the Edain, like what the Vala Oromë gifted the Eldar in the land of Cuiviénen. And with what he taught, the Númenóreans excelled in almost everything they could do and think of.

Let's fast forward to the near end of the Second Age. If you haven't read the Silmarillion, let me summarize it for you regarding the downfall of Númenor. Since the Dúnedain or the Númenóreans had the upper-hand by being friends with the Eldar and Ainur—receiving gifts from them and whatnot, they also received a condition from Manwë to never sail to Aman since they are mortals, and they will die if they do so. Having dying mortals in the Undying Lands rebuts what it stands for, undying. Therefore, only the Ainur and Eldar are allowed to stay since they are immortals.

For centuries, the Kings and Queens of Númenor abide by this condition until what fell to the 25th and the last king, Ar-Pharazôn. What happened was, Sauron's forces were getting bigger back in Middle-Earth, claiming the title as the Lord of Men. Ar-Pharazôn and his huge ass pride couldn't process the information and sailed to Middle-Earth with his army, fought against Sauron, which eventually defeating him, and imprisoned him back to Númenor.

The King, as corruptible as he was, listened to Sauron's poison-laced words about sailing to Aman and achieve immortality. It infected his mind like a disease. The King actually made Sauron as their priest for a while, his words were what the King and his Men worshipped for. Succumbed to Sauron's whispers, Ar-Pharazôn and his army, declared war against the Valar as to why they only have the good things to themselves. They were also jealous of the Elves residing in Valinor and Tol Eressëa. These tainted Númenóreans marched towards Aman and saw the splendour of the Undying Lands.

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