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✧ Off With The Wargs' Heads ✦

Both Gandalf and Anya helped to untie the Dwarves from their post, the latter started with Thorin, then to Fíli, then Kíli.

"I can almost see a pattern of having to keep on saving you."

"Well, what can I say? Trouble has a tendency to magnet around me." Kíli sheepishly smiled, watching her.

Anya was very amused at what she perceived that he was hitting on her. "Right."

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?"

"Nowhere far behind."

"I was worried thinking you would not come back to us."

This made Anya ceased at what she was doing and studied Kíli quizzically. Not because of him but because when he said those words, she felt something weird inside of her, a feeling that she hadn't felt before and she never liked it when she couldn't understand things, may it be her feelings or not. And she felt it all started when they were feeding Aeron. Kíli realized what he said and struggled to take his words back.

"I-I mean, we would — surely be lost on our way without you a-and Gandalf since he's the uh-only one who knows more about our quest."

Anya was unable to say anything to him. She didn't have the faintest idea on how to respond to that. As an assassin, she was prepared for all sorts of happenings that could befall her, all but this kind. She could only offer him a sly smile before turning around, heading towards the other struggling Dwarves. Kíli shut his eyes and hung his head down in embarrassment. He could hear Fíli chuckling behind him.

"Yet another smooth conversation you had there. I wonder how your tongue would curb so hard around her when you flirt indisputably with, let us see — half of the female Dwarven population you set your eyes upon."

Kíli glared at Fíli, shaking his brother's arm off of his shoulder, clearly annoyed. "Do not say it that way, she is different!"

Fíli smirked as he dusted his top. "And that she really is, I agree. But, I want to hear your opinion."

"You shall if you shut that mouth of yours."

"Really, you will?"

"Will you please just drop it? She might get suspicious!"

"As if she is not all the same." Fíli teased with a scoff, retreating away from this brother.

Kíli pondered on what his brother said formerly and stared at Anya, who was busying herself by talking to Gandalf and Thorin. It occurred to him that it may only perhaps be one-sided, after all. What he said was an honest statement, she's different. Of all the maidens that Kíli had come across, Anya was the one that stood out. She literally stood out. She was a thousand times way out of his league, a prince or not. Yet he couldn't help, but to reach for the brightest star there was.

It was with her that, Kíli, for the first time, felt actually afraid of flirting on. She would only just look at him, the kind that rendered him tongue-tied with those piercing, bright aquamarine-blue eyes that could see through his marrow even behind the thickest walls he could muster. The kind that would make him feel severely anxious because he couldn't read she was thinking at all. Him, being known as a seducer backfired on him with just one woman.

Back to Thorin, Gandalf and Anya, the three of them were talking about why Gandalf went away. Thorin opened to Gandalf, "And what brought you both back in the nick of time?"

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