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✧ The Prancing Pony ✦

Incandescent-dimmed lights of the candles burned during the entire delivery. Two Ellyn were ushering the mother as the healer was were trying her best to save both mother and the babe. As it was painful for a woman in childbirth, the princess gripped the white sheets with her dear life, sweating like a pig. The scent of blood filled the air, but nobody seemed to mind it at the situation.

"Push, my lady!"

Vaélyra screamed-begged for the Elleth to stop. For everything to stop. It was too much for her, it was ripping her in half. One way or another, she had to deliver the baby. The louder she screamed and wept, the more it crippled the Maia's spirit. He had short, dark brown, hair framing his face. A pair of steel, grey eyes grief-stricken with anticipation and desperation at the opening. He couldn't risk revealing his true identity.

The baby must be born; whether or not the mother would survive - she knew since the very beginning that she wouldn't make it. Úrion couldn't take the pain any longer. He kneeled against the floor, uttering comfort words to the woman in front of him as if any of it would take her pain away. He cared for both of them, but she cared more about her babe's survival.

"I can almost see the crowning! Push!" The Elleth exclaimed, her focus still on the delivery. Vaélyra gave another painful push. This time, the force became to feel extremely painful; she couldn't feel she had a body anymore. Everything started to become hazy and blank in her mind. She was plainly exhausted, but she wanted was to get her child out of her, or else it would take the babe's life as well. Slowly, the head was beginning to pop out along with the rest of the body. Then, the scream of bliss echoed throughout the small room. There was silence.

"It's a girl!" The healer sighed with joy holding the baby's feet up with the umbilical cord still attached. He passed her on to the nurse, holding out a clean sheet of the blanket, cleaning the baby at the process, before giving her back to her mother. The baby gave out a whimsical cry as the healer passed her to Vaélyra.

Then there it was. For a split second, they thought it was a mere hallucination from the prolonged labour. But, they were so wrong. They couldn't dismiss the fact that they just witnessed a sudden glow in the baby's eyes.

In all of his life, Úrion was never left so speechless like he was at the moment. His hand shook as he gently reached for the babe's tiny little head. Both lovers stared at each other affectionately without exchanging any words, for no words were needed to be said. Úrion was indeed very grateful and proud of his wife.

Even being handed to her mother, she wouldn't stop crying. Vaélyra smiled weakly. Although she barely had any life on her left, she needed to say something to the baby. Closing her eyes, she brought the babe's face near to hers, humming a soft tune.

"Like an image passing by, my love, my life. Are the words I try to find, my love, my life."

Tears pooled Úrion's face watching the two together. The couple had many agonizing conversations prior to the day of birth; Vaélyra kept on insisting that whatever fate may befall upon her, he must choose their child whether he wanted it or not.

With each second, her body was constantly betraying her, the bleed couldn't be stopped, taking almost all of her might to continue cradling her child. Vaélyra grimaced at the immense pain all over her body, every inch of her skin drenched with blood and sweat mixed all together. "With all my heart, God bless you. As you're my one and only. My beautiful, Visënya."

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