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✧ Like the Starlight Dreams ✦

Anya was a little taken aback by his query. She gave him a look. A vigilant look, that would always appear whenever she tried to read someone. Depending on the situation, it could be quite vexing to some, yet terrifying to most. Almost as if she could feel Kíli's inner anguish with what came out of his mouth, Anya spoke, beating him up to it.

"That's rather intimate. But - "

It was quite uncertain how she perceived love, for a start. Her brows knotted in deep thoughts, doubtful on what she should respond. After all, her entire life she shared that feeling were with Gandalf, Elrond, Estel, Gilraen, Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrohir, Elladan, and Arwen. Pertaining to a significant other, so far, she was entirely ignorant.

"I was never - grounded long enough in one place to get romantically involved with someone, nor either, experience being in love. There might have been some short fluttering moments in my line of work, but never as deep as getting tied romantically. Am I making any sense?" 

Kíli coincided, his full attention was on her. "It's brilliant how, for instance, Dwarves and Elves share the same ideology of falling in love more than once yet resolved to marry only once."

"Apart from Finwë." Kíli wavered for a bit, but he tried to fight the grogginess. Kíli leaned his head back once more to ease out his lightheadedness.

"Are you absolute you don't need anything?" she pushed further with increasing concern.

"Positive," his head inclined to her face, flashing her a weak smile. "Go on. I'm listening."

Anya was a little reluctant just by observing his state. "But - yes, Finwë's was a rather unusual circumstance. His first wife preferred not to return from death for some personal reasons. Think of it this way, wouldn't it be such a heavy inconvenience to both parties and yourself if you remarry from being a widower and eventually dying and finding both of your mates in the Halls of Mandos before your resurrection?"

"A situation I would not engage myself in the first place. I only believe to love one and marry one, that's it. Remarrying will only result in an outcome with lots of possible complications." he chortled, shaking his head.

She was in consistent with him. "And look what it did to the House of Finwë."

"Catastrophe," replied Kíli.

"My thoughts exactly."

"For us, Khazad, we are intensely protective of our relationships. We only take one wife or husband each in our lives as in all matters in our rights. The number of Dwarves that marry is actually less than threefold. This is why dwarrowdams are considered rare and precious in our culture, for not all dams take husbands."

"What if one falls in love with somebody who's already married?" Her eyes shone with curiosity.

"In our custom, most of us would refuse to take anyone and die without marrying at all. And if we desire the one we cannot get." Kíli's eyes flickered to hers when he mentioned the last bit. Anya stared at them, pondering at the idea of him not marrying at all because of unrequited love. She held back, her emotions resurfacing again, but this time, it came in unsettling waves."We, simply, will have no other."

With a shaky breath, she forced a smile. "The fierce loyalty of the Dwarves, it's truly admirable."

"Aye, very much so."

It was her turn to counter the question. "What of you then? Have you been in love?"

Kíli stared at her completely with such loving eyes "I am, for a fact, falling for one. And I am falling painfully. Though, I do not know if she feels the same way. For, I fear, if she does not, then I shan't have any other until the last days of my life."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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