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✧ Works of Elven Meads ✦

Anya grumbled, unfavourably disposed to the sunbeams hitting her face. Her entire body strained the minute she rolled on her other side. She was awfully exhausted, she forgot to change back to her nightgown and her position did not budge an inch from the moment she dropped on her back down the bed the evening prior until she awakened. 

Elrond's words from the night before echoed in her ears. It was no more than the first hour in the morning and she did not want to ruin it, so she brushed the thought away. She raised from the mattress, stretching her head from side to side followed by loud, satisfying cracks of her joints whilst she headed to the privy to take a bath.

Thereafter, she got ready in a white, long-sleeved chemise top with a gathered neckline, tied together in a loose ribbon; tucked underneath a brown, buttoned-down, low-necked vest and a pair of dark-brown, leather trousers to match her usual boots. By the time she opened her chamber, Estel was leaning by the pillar outside her entrance. He didn't have the chance to show his surprise for her last night given she was whisked to an important matter.

Estel turned around upon hearing the creaking of the door hinge. "Good morning, Senyä!"

"Aur vaer, little cub," Anya responded with a brightened smile. "Are you perhaps leaving today?"

"Nay, I leave by the morrow." he shook his head. "Can you come with me first? I have something I want to show you."

The young ranger laughed when he saw her stance unmoving and a clear sign of distrust upfront. "Relax, it is not anything bad, I promise you."

If her memory served her right, the last surprise she received from Estel ten years ago was that time when he associated himself with the Lords of Mischief themselves, Elladan and Elrohir. Putting it briefly, it was but a harmless prank, which eventually became a heated mess when Elrond got so much of their foolery. That particular occurrence put a halt to their antics. At least in Imladris. Lóthlorien was another story.

They passed by the bridge on the southern wing, exchanging morning greetings to whoever they encountered and into the stables they strode. Her mood significantly lightened when she spotted her black stallion. Needless to say, Norvó would naturally stand out within the herd just by his size.

"Norvó!" She quickly jogged, approaching the animal. Subconsciously, the stallion perked his head to the front with ears alerted forward at the sound of her call. When he recognized her, his front legs reared upward. A light and contented snorting sound was produced as he was breathing out rapidly through his nostrils. "Cin i vaen, belegron!"

The stallion reached down to his owner to let her touch his muzzle. Anya drew her forehead against the top of his head with her hands comfortably caressing the sides of his head. Norvó nickered happily, his tail flickered above the level of his back, indicating he was very elated to see Anya finally.

Estel was delighted with their union, petting Norvó's neck. "Indeed he is, I saw him along the path on his way here."

Anya was filled with remorse at the thought when she lost him before they reached the place. "Back at the Trollshaws, our ponies and Norvó bolted on their own when the orcs ambushed us."

"That explained why he was by himself."

"Still, it was so clever of him to head here straightly in Imladris." She prided at the black beast.

"He must've remembered the path. Though, I admit he has grown massively than the last I behold of him. Now, he's by far the biggest I have seen."

"It is a faint chance he wouldn't. He was birthed in this place, after all."

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