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✧ The Last Homely House ✦

"Come and get me!" Radagast laughed as the Orcs and their Wargs tailed behind him. Gandalf watched discreetly while Radagast and the Wargs disappeared in the distance.

When he saw the clearing, he signalled back to the company as they came rushing across a rocky plain, Gandalf leading in front and Anya on the very back of the company to make sure none of them will be harmed. Running across the plain, they saw the Wargs not too far from them, so they hid behind the rocks.

"Mithrandir! Aphado den Aeron!" Gandalf paid attention and saw the eagle heading in a direction. Gandalf trusted that Aeron would lead them in a safe way.

"Stay together."

They all ran once again. Radagast drove his sledge beneath an overhanging projection of rock, ducked the moment he got closer. Luckily, the Orc on the Warg behind him got knocked off. Anya stopped behind a rock away from the Wargs' line of vision. Ori, unfortunately, got ahead of her and started running out of the cover.

Anya quickly grabbed him by his pack. "Ori, no! Come back!"

"Come on! Quick!" As the Dwarves continued running, Thorin turned to Gandalf and Anya.

"Where are you leading us?"

Gandalf didn't have the time to answer, nor wanted to. Thorin discerned Anya as well, but she did the same. They took cover behind an outcropping of rock. Anya sprawled her arms protectively around Bilbo and Óin on both of her sides. The scout and his Warg appeared on top of the outcropping, scenting the air.

Thorin nodded, motioning for Kíli to shoot. Readying his bow, Kíli instantly stepped out, the point of his arrow piercing the Warg. It bellowed loudly, alerting the rest of its pack and the Orc on it fell near the Dwarves. Anya swiftly killed the Warg and Orc with Dwalin's help, but not before the sounds of their screeching carried quite far, it made the others stop their pursuit with Radagast as they heard a roar from behind the rocks.

"The Dwarf-scum are over there! After them!" Yazneg, the Orc leader of the Warg Riders, pointed in their direction. The Warg-scouts howled, shifting their attention to the company.

The company ran through a grassy plain with the Wargs beginning to surround them from all sides. Anya could have easily managed to annihilate them if she's alone. But she has the rest of the company to think of. It would be hard to fight the Orcs and protect the company by herself.

Gandalf expeditiously followed behind Aeron's trajectory. "This way! Quickly!"

They scrammed for a while longer, then halted in a clearing as they saw Wargs on all sides.

"There's more coming!" Kíli huffed, his head almost spinning.

"Kíli! Shoot them!"

"We're surrounded!

Kíli began shooting at the Wargs and the Warg-riders, killing some of them. Getting his bearings, Gandalf caught sight of a large rock, he sprinted towards it and disappeared, all of a sudden. He made a prediction of the place where the eagle was taking them.

"Where is Gandalf?" shouted Kíli when he noticed the wizard's absence.

"He has abandoned us!" Dwalin growled with both hands on his axes.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin alerted.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin alerted

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