Chapter 1

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It was four in the morning and Tommy hadn't fallen asleep yet. He knew he would be woken up in 3 hour ,though he didn't know why because he spent all his time in his room and his family tried to ignored him, so he didn't bother trying to fall asleep.

Slowly he got up and grabbed his headphones and phone and put a random playing on and listened to the songs. He closed his eyes and pretended he had a different family one that loved him. One that gave him attention and one that gave him food.

He heard a faint knocking at his door telling him to wake up.
Tommy pulled himself out of his king size bed and walked over to his walk in closet and picked up a pair of baggy light blue jeans a plain white t-shirt and a black hoodie with a white smiley face on it.

Tommy POV

I walked over to the door and opened it as it creaked. I felt like someone was watching me and turned around to see Technoblade .He was looking me up and down and giving me a dirty look. So I walked back into my room and waited for him to leave.
I felt my stomach ache and tried to push it aside. When was the last time I ate something I thought to myself must of been like a week.

I crept out of my room and made my was down the hall and to the kitchen.
When I open the door a few eyes immediately look at me and I look down in pure shame. I walk over to the fridge and looked at the options of all the different types of foods we had and grabbed a green apple. I walk out of the kitchen ,getting many dirty looks , and then start to run back to my room.

"Prince Tommy" a royal guard called out for me "The king would like to see you in his office."

I turn around and see that it was Sam that called put for me I simply shake my head and continue to walk to my room ,not wanting him to see the steat I'm in.

"Your highness I understand you may not want to but the king has instructed me to get you." Sam sounded a bit scared because his voice was a kind of shaking.

"Tell him I will not be joining him and I don't give a fuck about it," I reply with a bit of anger in voice. "And don't come near me again for at least a day same goes with all the other guards you understand."

"Yes Prince Tommy." Sam said and then sighed.


I was walking around the halls making sure no one was hiding in the castle when u got called down to the Kings office. Usually when he needed something he would put it in the message I thought but whatever can't question the king now can I.

When I opened the door to his office I immediately bowed down and waited for his approval to stand normally.

"Sam," the king said in a harsh and serious tone " I need you to get Tommy here now."

"I'm sorry sir but he has asked me not to go near him for at least a day," I replied "That goes along with all the other royal guards, it is the prince's orders."

"Bring Wilbur and Technoblade here then." Philza said in a harsh tone while picking up a pen and starting to write something on a piece of paper that looked like a contract of some sort.

"Yes sir."

Tommy POV

Waste of time I thought to myself as I take a bit of my apple.

I open my door and see how much of a mess it is. I should clean this up later I think out loud. I walk over to my bookshelf and pick out a book. I walk over to my king size bed and start reading it.

Around two hours later I finish reading the book and walk over to the window. I see techno in the garden practicing his tactics. He looked over to my window and I immediately look away and run back to my bed.

"I think he saw me." I mutter under my breath to myself.

I picked up the book and started rereading it. While I was reading I hear a knocking at my door.

"Tommy we need you downstairs in the office, it's important." I heard Wilbur yelling at me from down the hall.

"I'll be there in five minutes." I reply not trying to raise my voice at my so called brother.

"No now." Wilbur yelled in a serious voice and then hear some footsteps walk down the stairs.

I get up of my bed and see a glance of myself in the mirror and gag at the sight of myself. I open my door and walk downstairs to the office.

When i walk into the office there they were. Wilbur, Technoblade and Philza.

"We need to talk Tommy," Philza said in a harsh tone and he was staring in to my soul.

"OK what is it." I say while staring at the velvet red rug that layer under the desk that philza sat at.

"Well another country has been attacking L'manburg and they want to declared war in a week and we don't have enough soldiers." Philza explained to me I still didn't understand why I was needed to know this unless they just want me to be in complete fear for the rest of my life.

"OK and." I say to the king who started giving me a horrid look.

"We would like for you to join the war and help fight for the country." Philza replied with no shame with what he was saying to his child. As soon as he said that my face fell I was disappointed and disgusted that the person who was supposed to love me wanted to send me of to war and let me die.

"What." I say still in shock at what he had said to me.

"He said you are going to war weather you like it or not."techno explained to me. Now I knew techno didn't really like at start but I at least thought he would try to protest from sending his younger brother to a war.

I just stated at them trying not to cry infront of then but it was no use my eyes started to tear up but I knew if I didn't leave soon they would yell at me for crying and being a baby.

1129 words

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