Chapter 12

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George POV

The carriages were getting closer to the castle and the closer they were the more bumpy the path was. Tommy leaned forward a bit so he could see out of the window and we could here a small gasp from him Dream opened his mouth to say something, presumably about that, but was kicked in the shin by Sapnap. Dream winced at the pain. The rest of the ride was just awkward and silent as hell.

About 5 minutes later the castle was in plain sight. The carriage came to a sudden stop as we were outside. A man in uniform came over and opened the door for us. I grabbed my bag and walked out first then Sapnap and the Tommy then Dream. When we got out we waited for Karl and Quackity. They both came running after us within a few minutes. They both had there bags and Dream had Tommy's bag in hid left hand and his in his right hand. We were then greeted by some royal guards as they saw me the bowed and we entered the palace grounds.

Philza POV

I still don't want Tommy back here at the castle and he's ment to come here later today. I'm not exactly that excited to say the least (I wouldn't say im happy about it). Wilbur is and he's done not much to hide this from us, Techno isn't happy about it or he's been really good at hiding it but I doubt he wants Tommy back here it was his idea for him to leave anyway. It was later at night and I got a phone call, from from unknown number, while I was doing some paperwork in my office. I picked it up slightly annoyed that it was interrupting my work but it seemed important.

"Hello is this King Philza of L'manburg. " The person asked.

"Yes this is may i know why you are calling me at this early in the morning" I ask as I stretch my arm.

"Oh yes well we were um going to get Prince Thomas ready to go back to L'manburg and we'll um he wasn't there in his cabin no one is." The man said nervously. As soon as he said this my face fell. Not because Tommy was missing no, he runs away or seeks out to many times for me to count, but because I had to break the news to Wilbur and Technoblade. Now Wilbur will send a search part out to find Tommy and I don't want that. I also think Wilbur had sent Tommy some letters as well as I heard we got a letter from the place were Tommy was at. I haven't confronted him yet but I think people should be able to have a few small secrets.

"What do you mean." I say trying to sound shocked but failing a lot more than intended. After looking back at it I could of tried to act more shocked and probably get away with it but I guess not .I heard a small gasp from the other side of the phone and I guess it wasn't that convincing and the man figured it out.

"You do care don't you." He said uncertain about his choice of wording and if it would get him punished for it.

"Of course I am I don't want to have to break the news to Wilbur he will be heartbroken and will want to send out a search party and they most likely find Tommy. Wilbur will be distracted from his lessons and training along with Techno. Wha-this is what he planed isn't it hell fuck the good children up with his rebellion stage in life. I swear when he gets home ill beat his ass. But at least he won't be in the way for a while." I half yell before getting cut of by the man.

"What the hell is wrong with you. Your son is missing and you care about all of your sons apart from the missing one. Your messed up and you're glad that he is missing."

"No you're seeing this all wrong I do care its just I care about my other sons as well especially their education and I don't want that to distracte them." I say trying reason with the man.

"This doesn't make it any better when we find him i will make sure he gets a better home. One that he's loved at." He said with his voice sounding bitter and angry.

"Why would he not be loved we give all he needs." I say. I heard a knock at the door. "Give me a minute." I yell out to the person outside.

"Why would he not be loved let's think about that? Hmm maybe because hes 17 and has been sent to war by his own family. Now to me that sounds like a shit family but to you that's love got it." He says before hanging up on me.

"Fuckin rude.'' I mutter under my breath "Yes what was it." I say as I look up and see Wilbur stood in front of me eyes filled with tears and he's sniffing constantly. Behind him was Technoblade stood completely discussed by my conversation.

"What the fuck was that." Wilbur spat.

Technoblade POV

I was woken up by a maid who told me to get my farther and brother ready for breakfast and that she would but she was really busy and hoped I would understand. I nodded and signalled for her to leave. I got ready for breakfast and went to wake up Wilbur first. I knocked on his door and when I didn't get a reply I slammed the door open and screamed at him. He woke up. I waited outside for Wilbur to finish getting ready as I wasn't going to interrupt Phil from either sleep or his work. We went to his room and knocked on the door. No answer. So went decided to go to his office. After a while we made our way there and could hear some yelling coming from inside.

"-ews to Wilbur he will be heartbroken and will want to send out a search party and they most likely find Tommy. Wilbur will be distracted from his lessons and training along with Techno. Wha-this is what he planed isn't it hell fuck the good children up with his rebellion stage in life. I swear when he gets home ill beat his ass. But at least he won't be in the way for a while." Phil half screamed at the person. Our faces fell. We put the dogs together and managed to work out that Tommy as missing and Phil just couldn't care about it.

It wasn't long until he started to talk to me again. "No you're seeing this all wrong I do care its just I care about my other sons as well especially their education and I don't want that to distract them." Now anyone who didn't personally know Phil would think that he was telling the truth. And he was. Partly. He wouldn't want this to distract us but he didn't care one bit.

"Why would he not be loved we give all he needs." This was where me and Wilbur didn't want to here any more of this horrible conversation. So we knocked on the door. We heard Phil yell "give me a minute." Me and Wilbur didn't want to wait so we opened the door and some how he didn't notice. He didn't say anything else to the person we assumed that they just hung up on him. I looked over to Wilbur and he was full on crying I was just disgusted that my farther would do such a this. "Fuckin rude.'' Phil muttered  "Yes what was it." He was speechless when he saw us.

"What the fuck was that." Wilbur spat.

"Wilbur, Technoblade this is a complete misunderstanding." Phil said his voice sounding desperate.

"Well from what we got it sounded like just you found out Tommy Is missing and the thing you care about is us. And then you admit that you ate happy about it." Wilbur screamed at Phil.

"Ok well that's not it but what did you want." Phil asked.

"We were going to tell you breakfast is ready but you aren't invited to eat with us now." Wilbur snapped out.

"Wilbur don't raise your voice at me." Philza yelled. I poked Wilbur slightly to get his attention and tilted my head towards the door he agreed and we left the office and went down to the dining room.

"So Will when do you want to start looking for Tommy?" I question.

"Later today." He said.

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