Chapter 13

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Dream POV

We had just made to the castle and it felt much more grand than the last time I had seen it maybe it was because I hadn't seen something like it for the past like month. The others were amazed by it as well possibly for the same reason as me but I have no clue about that. We slowly made our way into the castle while Karl fell behind us due to the fact that he was helping Tommy to walk. While we were walking in the castle halls I was trying to notice if anything had changed while we were gone. To my surprise not much had changed some of the paintings on the walls had been taken down and replaced with a newer version and some had been moved to a new place. Eventually we made our way to the medical bay, it was exactly the same as before the walls were a sad shade of grey and there was nothing to do apart from look out of a small window in the top right corner. When we got there George opened the door and inside was a man who was named BadBoyHalo but everyone called him Bad for short. When Bad saw Tommy he immediately made a small gasp and pointed over to one of the few hospital beds in the room. Karl and Tommy stumbled over to the closest bed and Tommy collapsed on it within seconds.

"Do you guys want me to show you to your rooms?" George asked politely to his guests. All of us apart from me and Quackity either nodded or replied with a small noise of agreement.
"Ok follow me." Once again, everyone apart from me and Quackity followed George out of the room. Once George noticed this he popped his head round the door and asked if we were coming or if I would take Quackity to his room.

"I'll take him," I said George made a noise of disagreement "I know my way around the castle and if we got lost we can ask a guard for directions Ok? And when Tommy wakes up I'm sure he won't want to talk to me and he will probably will want to talk to Quackity since they are the closest of all of us." George agreed and left. "How are you Quackity?"


I let out a small sigh of disappointment to Quackity. After a 1 minute of him not responding but acknowledging me I said "Well I'm doing great glad you asked." I mutter the last part. Quackity let out  small laugh at this but stopped quickly.

We waited about 3 hours, that were in a awkward silence that Quackity refused to stop, before we got tired of waiting and just tired in general. "Follow me Quackity." I announce.

"Where are we going then." He asked.

"Sleep." I said. We both stayed quiet for the rest of walk around the castle until we made our way to the bedrooms. "That one" I say pointing at a room with the door open. He goes in and I walk over to my room and I walk over to my bed and fall onto my bed and fall asleep immediately.

Karl POV

I woke up to Sapnap screaming at me fir me to wake up and get ready. I don't know why he woke me up at 5 am but he wouldn't let me go back to sleep so I gave up and slowly go ready for the day.

"Why did you wake me up at 5 am?" I demanded.

"Because I was awake and wanted to talk to someone other than Dream." Sapnap explained.

"Just go talk to Dream I'm sure he's lonely, i mean do you know what he's doing right now?" I ask not wanting  to do anything apart from go back to sleep.

"Fine but you are coming with me if I see him or we can go do something like we could bake a cake or something." Sapnap suggests. I zoned out after this until when Dream came in and said something to Sapnap, which then caused him to start yelling and screaming at Dream, it was in a joking way I think, and then they were running around the castle chasing each other. I started to just wonder around the area to find something to do. I was walking around for about 10 minuets before I came across the library. I entered the area just expecting a few shelves of books and a few collections of them on the floor in a normal size cardboard box. what i was not expecting was a room the size of a family home with the walls having built in shelves from the top to bottom. there was a small sofa and chair next to the fire place that had a roaring fire in already, there were isles of books and a second floor the same as the first but it had a few less books in and instead had multiple desks with high quality computers on. the next floor was similar to the first in which in had built in shelves as the walls but in the middle of the room was a small table with sofas surrounding it there were lamps next to the two main sofas. I looked around the room to find a book on a old legend on a thing called the egg. after looking around  for a while I found one on old myths. I study the book for a solid minuet before carrying it over to the chair. I opened the book and went to the contents page and surprisingly I found that there was a chapter on the egg. I turned to the correct page and started t read it. over all it it was vague and a waste of my time but it did give me something to do while George and Quackity wake up. I get up and leave the library. as soon as I exit the room I remember that I don't know where I am and I was just wondering around the castle. I see a man in a light blue hoodie and dark brown hair. he looked like he knew his way around the palace so I walked up to him.

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