Chapter 27

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Karl POV

At this moment in time, we are all currently staring at Tubbo. Of course when Tommy had just calmed down a little bit and had started to breathe properly Tubbo jinxed it all and he had started to talk about the darkness and the boxes in the corner that just so happened to be the perfect size for someone to be hiding in, as long as they were crouching or sitting so the odds that there was actually someone was very if not extremely low. Tubbo's eyes widened and he gulped a little. Well, at least Tubbo knows that this is all his fault that he is in this position, and that he has jinxed this all for everyone and he has made a mistake and that there is no going back now that it's been said.

"Tubbo, you can go over there and see who or what is there that made that noise, only since you jinxed it!" Sapnap hissed, his voice full of venom and hatred. Tubbo sucked in his breath, but nodded, slowly.

"Alright, alright, you don't have to be so aggressive and rude though!" Tubbo snapped back at the man who had previously hissed at him.

Tubbo stood up slowly and stumbled away from us and in to the darker area. He walked far enough away that we now couldn't see him but we could hear him walking, or well stumbling. Tubbo, suddenly, without warning, gasped, loudly, it was concerningly loud- well for Tubbo. He muttered something that none of us could hear but I think that it was said quietly on purpose. 

"Who here has god dam stupid cat?" Tubbo yells out. George turned around and stared at Dream.

"Dream!" George hissed. All eyes were on Dream now. "Is this where Patches has been for the past like week or two! Ans what has she even been eating? Oh my god, you need to look after her so much better than this! You should know this by now!"

"Well- well she must of bee eating the rats? I think there are rats in here well there might be I'm not entirely sure." Dream says as Patches sprinted over to him when she saw him. "Hey Patches, how are you? And how did you get down here?" Dream cooed at the cat. The cat cocked his head and meowed innocently.

"Dream, now is not that time to be talking to your cat ok. You can do that when we get out f here and then you should really give her a proper meal!" I say. Dream nodded and then returned his attention to the cat. 

Suddenly, there was multiple peoples screams of pain then followed by a banging coming from the meatal door. Tommy and Ranboo tensed up at this. The banging did not stop until there was a sound of a bolt falling off and it rolling on the floor. The door swung open and there stood the famous warrior who is also known as 'The Blood God'. Prince Technoblade.

Dream POV

Now somehow L'manburg still likes the royal family quiet a lot. Which, I'm nit going to lie, surprises me a lot. Like I thought t hat they would turn on them back at the ball but clearly not. And so basically, the L'manburg royal family can abused and manipulate their youngest member of their family and yet the public thinks this is all fine and perfectly normal, like it happens every other day. Well, I mean, there a few odd people who thought that this was just plain out wrong and completely agreed with us. But you can't hear their opinions because they get squashed by the other people so no one really knows they are there. Helpful, isn't it. But I think it all crosses the line when they break in to another rulers palace only to steal their brother and to then proceed to slowly beat him to death in the most painful way possible.

We are all in a awkward silence between looking between Technoblade and Tommy. Tommy is tense as a human can be and Tubbo and George are surrounding him hugging him tightly, there being no sign of them either wanting to let go or them being forced to let go. Karl and Quackity had somehow made their way towards Tommy and they were all now 'protecting' him from Technoblade even though it is little to no use, as Technoblade has taken full on army's on by himself and coming out with out a single graze.

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