Chapter 23

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Ranboo POV

Now, lets get a few things clear, to be completely  honest I don't really know Tommy really that well and it might be because we just don't get along as well as him and Tubbo do, and there is nothing I can do about that now. Now mind you, I really don't mind this at all, me and Tommy do get along but just not as well which is mainly because he talks to Tubbo way more than I do, and that is kind of by choice, but I am just more busy than Tubbo as well so he has way more time to talk to Tommy. But I don't dislike him at all and he is one of the most pleasant people to be around, in my opinion, but one problem with it is that some people can get to obsessed with people like that. Which is exactly what Tommy's family is like. And they have just gone to far now, well they went to far a while ago but we can look past that for now. They are now threatening Dream SMP with war if they don't get Tommy back just so that they can beat him to death, in a cold, dark, empty prison cell. Now, to me at least, that sounds like an unpleasant way to die, and one thing to make it even better, dying at the hands of your own family, that are meant to love and care for you. Now that's just lovely.

And now it has been four days since Dream and Sapnap found that poster and now we did end up deciding on Karl's idea, because no one else had either a better idea or a moral suggestion. 

Oh And I forgot to say, explaining all of this to Tommy, who was still recovering from what his so called family had done to him previously, spoiler alert, it did not go well at all. Lets just say there was multiple panic attacks and Tubbo and Tommy got very little sleep that night, due to the fact that Tommy would wake up in the middle of his sleep covered in sweat, crying and screaming, luckily Tubbo did help him, as much as he could, and we were all grateful for it. The day after that was spent with watching movies and us trying to talk to Tommy about all of this without causing a panic attack, which did work, for like an hour or so. But today is the day where we really have no choice to wait and talk another day. Lets just say that no one really wants to talk to him about this right now.

We were all eating in the dining hall and Tubbo and Tommy were still in the infirmary.

"Well, we have been holding it off and now we don't have a choice but to do something now, or it will end badly for Dream SMP and no one really wants that now do they," I say, "So, who is going to talk to him later?"

"Nope, not me, I did it last time and that didn't end well, at all!" Quackity announced to us all in a some what the best posh voice he could do.

"Ok, I did it as well the time before that and I bet it will be me or Tubbo or possibly Ranboo to do it, ok, seems kind of unfair on us three." George said, passionately.

"Yeah well I don't think I should do it because if he is like out of it and when he comes back to his senses and he sees this 6'6 dude with a mask and sunglasses on I don't think he will be happy to say the least." I say. George nodded, and I bit the inside of my lip, gently.

"Well, I guess that leave George and Tubbo left to talk him into doing it." Sapnap says, while rolling his eyes at me. What did I even do to him personally?

"Right, Tubbo's gonna have a hard time dealing with Tommy." George states as he stood up abruptly and walked out of the room with out saying another word.

We sat talking to each other for another hour before a royal guard came in to the hall and walked over towards me.

"Ranboo sir, you are needed in the infirmary." the man said calmly. I nodded and stood up and followed the royal guard to the medical room.

 We walked in a awkward silence but we made it the infirmary within 10 minutes of walking around. When we got to the infirmary I could hear some, presumably Tommy, crying and there was someone trying to comfort them. I opened the door and I could see there was Tommy sat on there bed crying and both Tubbo and George were attempting to comfort the boy.

I quickly ran up to them without scaring Tommy and crouched down to whisper to George.

"What the hell happened? Its only been an hour!" I whisper to George.

"Tubbo was trying to explain that Tommy needs to think about if he is ok with telling the public that we didn't do anything to him and that it was the L'manburg royal family. And I think he is starting to calm down but we don't know what to do about all of this or how to tell Tommy that we only have like a few days until we go war with L'manburg. And I'm" starting to stress about it all!" George said quietly.

"Ok, well why don't you try to approach the problem in a different way, because however you are doing this is clearly not going to work." I suggest. 

Georges face brightens up at this suggestion and then he stood up and walked over to Tommy and then crouched down beside Tommy's bed.

"Tubbo, we should go or at least just stand outside." I hiss. Tubbo nodded and stood up.

"Good luck George!" I whisper, quiet enough for Tommy not to hear and George to hear it.

Me and Tubbo stood outside for about fifteen minutes before George called out for us both to come in.

When we came in Tommy looked happy and George just looked tried and fed up with life.

"What on earth did you do, George?" Tubbo asked.

"I don't know, but apparently he's ok with it all now, I don't understand either!" George said seeing both of our confused faces.

"So, when is it going to happen then? And what is he going to say? And he is fully ok with this all, right?" Tubbo rambled, concerned about his best friend.

"I mean, he seems fine with it now, and we have figured out some bits like I'm going to talk and then he will confirm it all, and this is all happening the day after tomorrow, so its going to be a little bit busy over then next few days." George sighs. Me and Tubbo both nod at this understanding all of this.

"Ok, that's ok is there anything that the rest of us can do to help you both out during all of this?" I ask.

"Uh Well I guess you, Dream and Quackity could get some posters printer out telling the public about the event that's coming up soon. And Tubbo could, you, Sapnap and Karl both get the area set up for all of this and then me and Tommy will work on what I'll be saying at the event. Is that all good for you both?" George explains. We both nod and then walk off in our separate ways.

After a while I made my way all the way back to the dining room and just to my luck Dream and Quackity were both there chatting to each other and laughing every other minute or two.

"You two, we all need to go and make sure the public knows about the event that's" coming up." I yell from the other side of the room.

"Oh God what's George force us all to do now?" Dream sighs.

"Oh No he hasn't forced us to do anything this is something we are all doing to help him out because there is a lot to do now and it would be extremely unfair on him if we didn't help out a little at least, and no you aren't getting out of all this." I explain.

"Ok, what is the event for?" Quackity asks.

"The event is to tell the public about L'manburg, and so we have to do this by tomorrow." I say.

"Fine but you owe me after this, you got it?" Quackity says.

"Yeah, yeah I owe you." I say.

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