Chapter 4

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Philza POV

I was doing some paperwork when I heard a knock at my office door.

"Come in." I half yell. When the door opens I see Wilbur. He looks angry, sad and a bit disappointed.

"Hello Wilbur what can I do for you." I ask moving my attention to the prince.

"Did we do the right thing." Wilbur questions me moving his gaze from the floor to my paperwork on my desk.

"What do you mean Wil." I ask not knowing what he is talking about. What was the last big sort of thing we have done, I think.

"I mean did we make the right choice about sending Tommy away to the war." Wilbur answered at the end of his sentence was a hint of anger.

"Of course we did we didn't like him you don't like him and Techno doesn't like him so why should we keep him here?" I  sigh knowing Wilbur is playing around with me its kind of annoying though I am really busy at the moment with the war and everything and Wilbur wants to come into my office and waste some of my time he knows I'm busy he's being a brat now that I think about it.

"Yeah well he was annoying but still he is just a kid and what if he dies out there what if he gets ill or something." Wilbur blurted out. My face fell Tommy was and still is just a annoying loud child we all hated him. Yeah I feel a tiny bit bad about what we did but that's not my fault any more if he dies it's on him

"Look he won't die and if he does that is his fault he can look after him self." I argued with the prince. This is Tommy's fault he has influenced Wilbur behaviour so now he will become a annoying brat.

"Yeah but what if." Wilbur said before I cut him off.

"If he dies that's that now leave." I yell getting more annoyed at him. Wilbur turns around and walks outside the door.

"Waste of time." I mutter.

Tommy POV

I don't know what I was expecting. Whenever they ask me about my family I go still and don't talk about them and then try to change the topic. The only problem is that I knew one day they would confront me about and I would either have to lie about it or be honest which if I did what would they do. Would they think differently of me would they mock me for being a baby and not sucking it up that that's how they act and I can't change people with my pathetic feelings.

When Quackity asked about them and we were both alone I knew I either had to come clean about it or we wouldn't talk for the 3 hours.

"Well I they just aren't good people that's it." I say. I don't want to elaborate on anything about my family because if he finds out what will he do.

"Care to elaborate on 'they just aren't good people'." Quackity said.

"No I'd rather not."I say trying to end this conversation.

"Ok you are going to elaborate on this no one just doesn't want to talk about this stuff like we all like to talk about our family and the place we live in." Quackity cried.

"I just don't want to." I defend.

"Just stop being so stubborn and tell me what's wrong!" Quackity demanded.

"I don't want to talk about it." I admitted.

"Ok if you tell me what's wrong I swear I will not tell anyone about it and I will do anything for you Ok deal?" Quackity asks.

"Anything?" I ask.

"Anything." Quackity smirked.

"Deal." I spat.

"Ok you go first." Quackity said.

"Well as early as I can remember they have ignored me and whenever they would see me they gave me a dirty look. They also didn't give me food so I either had to steal it from the kitchen or I had their leftovers so I didn't eat alot. Then they didn't talk to me for around 2 and a half years but then the only time they did was when they wanted to send me to this place." I explain I can feel a tear forming in my eyes I slowly look up to Quackity and he wasn't looking at me instead he was looking at the floor kicking stones that were laying on the floor.

Quackity POV

I felt so bad for Tommy he is just a child, even if he cant except the truth it is true, and his family ignored him all his life.

"Did you tell anyone or try to ask them why." I ask.

"I guess not I think I might of asked when I was like 6 but then Phil yelled at me and told me not to ask again and that he wasn't ignoring me."

"Did you not think to tell the guards or the public about what horrible people that family is." I comforted the boy.

"I mean the guards noticed but only 2 of them liked me so they didn't care." Tommy explained.

"Well when we leave this place I am going to out them." I announce.

Technoblade POV

We were eating food when Wilbur asked Philza if we did the right thing about sending Tommy away. Like we did but I do feel a bit guilty but its his fault he ignored for 16 years.

Wilbur is being quite annoying at the moment we all said if we all agreeded we would send him and we all agreed.

"Yeah well we could just bring him back." Wilbur said.

"WILBUR SHUT UP," Phil yells causing everyone to be silent." We all agreed that he would go and we would not fight  you said it was fine so why are you making a fuss about it." Phil yells.

"I just feel a bit bad like he's a child and I get that he ignored us but we also ignored him." Wilbur urged.

When Wilbur said the first part my heart sank. What are we doing Tommy was a child. And come to think of it I don't think Tommy ignored us I think we ignored him.

George POV

It's been 2 months and Tommy told us about what happened we all felt bad for him but didn't make it a big deal because it would make him more  uncomfortable. But he's started to act a bit weird. He also has started to eat much less food. It's stared to get noticeable because we have all started to get him to eat.

"Hey Dream can we talk." I said to Dream he nods and I point to the door and look at Quackity and Tommy. They walk over to the door ,Tommy walks slower than Quackity and I point at it causing Dream to look.

"You see that." I say.

"Yes when was the last he ate." Dream asked.

"A proper meal," I ask Dream nods "about a week ago the last piece of food he's eaten was about 3 days ago."

Dreams face fell and his face filled with concern.

"What do we do." Dream asks.

"I don't know should we bring this up to Quackity or not." I say.

"I don't think we should he would bring it up to Tommy and then Tommy might get angry at us." Dream mutters.

"Ok." I say.

The next day Tommy couldn't get up and he was constantly shivering we all noticed and asked to get the days off. Luckily we got the day off and helped look after Tommy.

That was a week ago and nothing has changed Tommy is still sick and isn't getting better if anything he's getting worse. Tommy can hardly speak now and if he does his voice is raspy as hell and its not healthy. We all don't know what to do and the only choice left is to go back to the place me and Dream have talked about it and decided it is the best choice for Tommy.

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