Chapter 6

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Technoblade POV

As I was writing the letter I heard a knock coming from the door.

"Come in." I yell. I quickly put the pen down and flip the paper around. I didn't want anyone to know about this especially Philza he would be quite angry with me because it may of been my idea of what happened to Tommy.

As the door opens I see a girl walk in.
"Prince Technoblade there is food down stairs in the dining room for you and King Philza would like to talk to you about something." The girl says.

"Thank you I'll be down soon." I said. I'll just finish the letter later and I can ask Philza where Tommy was sent so I can send the letter to him I think while getting up and walking downstairs.

As I open the large door that leads to the dining room. As a walk in I went over to my seat and sat down. We had steak, potatoes. It was only me and Will sat down eating and he looking down at his plate.

"Hey Wilbur." I say trying to get his attention.

"Yeah what do you want." He snapped at me still looking down but I could tell he had been crying a lot to say the least.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go spare outside with me?" I ask. Thinking about it I haven't done this with Wilbur, for what feels like years, for around 3 months mainly because he has lots of paper work and he need to know what it's like to be the king. I do kind of feel sorry for him sometimes but I can't change anything he did want to be the king.

"Sorry I have more important stuff to do." Wilbur snapped firmly and slightly annoyed at me. I took the tone of voice as a signal to leave him anyone and kept quiet for the rest of the time we were eating. I knew he wouldn't want help with it because I have asked before and he didn't talk to me for around 4 and a half days.

"Ok talk later." I say while I stand up and walk up the stairs and head towards my room.

Sapnap POV

I think the staff have figured out something is wrong with Tommy due to the fact that he hadn't showed up to his area for about 2 weeks now. A few days ago they came and knocked on the door to see where he was and that we were not faking him not feeling well.

We had to convince Tommy to try to stands up and try act as normal as he can. If they found out that he was sick they would send him away. Luckily the person that came to check in on him was really nice and we could convince him that he was in the shower.

But as soon as he told them that someone else came here and told us to let him in. When we didn't let him he pushed his way in and searched the cabin for Tommy. When he found him he walked out and started to talk on his walkie-talkie. From what Quackity said his family want that good and if they knew he might be sent back to L'manburg. After all he would get better treatment there but they don't really care about that do they.

When we told Tommy what happened and the plan to run away from here he agreed to it with out hesitation.

Technoblade POV

As I open the door Philza walk up to me.

"Hey Techno." Phil said.

"Hello Phil," I start. "What do you need from me."

"I've got some bad news." He said.

"Ok what about." I say with curiosity running through me.

"It's about Tommy." He said. It must of been noticeable because he looked at me with a hint of disgust as my face fell. All of the worst possible things went through my head.

"What happened." I spat out as fast as I could trying not to panic that much but of course I sound like I'm panicking.

"Well from what I was told he's been ill for around 3 to 4 weeks and he will be sent back here in a week." Philza said showing his disappointment in his voice at the last part.

"Do you know how bad it is." I ask.

"All they said that he is ill and has been for around 3 to 4 weeks and it is life threatening that's it." Phil said with no sadness but a bit of happiness.

"And you are happy about this." I question him. I know Tommy hates me but I don't want him to die or even be ill. I know some people don't like people and most of the time siblings don't like each other but I don't want Tommy to die.

"Well of course why wouldn't I be I'm surprised you aren't." Phil explains.

"Why am I not happy that my little brother might die because of some horrible idea that I said as a joke to you and then you made it in to reality and made me and Wilbur depressed. I wonder why." I cried.

Philza POV

As soon as Techno said this my heart fell. This made me realise how bad of a farther I am and that I'm happy that one of my children might die. What am I doing with my life.

After about 10 seconds Techno walked into his room and slammed the door shut. I felt a warm liquid drip down my face followed by multiple others. Luckily there was no one else watching us and no one over heard us.

I turned around and started to walk back to the kitchen hoping not to run into anyone. Unfortunately I ran in to one of the chefs and knocked them over. When I looked up I saw that I ran into Nikki. Nikki is the kindest person who works here along with Puffy but I don't think any one had seen her in a while.

"I'm so sorry Nikki I wasn't looking where I was going." I say giving her my hand to help her up.

"No I should of looked where I was going sorry." The girl says. "Oh also I was wondering if you wanted to try a new cake I've made." Nikki must of noticed how I looked like I as crying. Nikki knows how to make anyone happy and she gets along with everyone in the city.

"I would like that Nikki."

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