Chapter 2

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Tommy POV

I didn't want to cry in front of them but I didn't have a choice my eyes filled with more tears and my vision became more and more burly.

The people I should of called family stared at me like I was some monster for tearing up.

"Come now don't cry it's just a war which will end within a year," Techno said while glaring at me in disgust I blink by accident and felt multiple tears fall down my face as I quickly tried to wipe them of "I said don't cry didn't I, you can't even take orders from the heir to the throne unbelievable."

Wilbur stood up from his chair and walked over to me and whisper in to my ear "You won't make it a second out  there if you're going to cry."

After hearing that I turned my back on theses people and walked out of the room not saying a word. As soon as I heard the door slam shut I sprinted to my room desperately trying to not make eye contact with one of the guards or anyone but running make them look my way.



I was doing my normal duties at dawn and heard a faint sown of someone running. I didn't know who it was so as soon as they came into view I yelled
When they stopped running I could tell it was Tommy "Why are you running price Tommy" I say in a calming voice. His eyes were red and cheeks were puffy.
"They want to send me to the war" he chocked out Bearley saying the last word. My face fell and I dropped my sword. I love this boy like my own child and I would do anything for the child and knowing that he will have to leave the palace and go off to war made my eyes tear.

"Who does price tommy" I asked trying not to make him uncomfortable.

"The king" he sobbed. Now I never liked the Royal family and I knew they were going to kick Tommy out when he turned 18 but this is to far. Technoblade has always been into the stuff like fighting so I would of thought if anyone from the Royal family went to war it would have been him but bi they pick the child.

"Can I hug you Prince tommy" I said knowing the boy wanted comfort and he got none from his family. Before I could apologise he ran up to me and hugged me and started sobbing in my arms. "I'm so sorry Prince Tommy if you need anything and I mean it come talk to me but right now I have to go and talk to someone."

"It's fine I will die within a day they wouldn't notice and even I'd they did no one would care" Tommy explained

"Tommy they do care you know" I say " I'm so sorry Prince Tommy please forgive me" He gave me a nod in a response and left the hug. He walked over to his room and as soon as he was out of sight I heard him running up the stairs.

I am still shocked that the king I'd doing this to his youngest son and its not the one that's loves to fight and trains everyday its the one that doesn't even know how to fight.

"SAM," I hear someone yell from Mt right I look over to see its Puffy. Me and puffy haven't always gotten along its weird one day we are okay with each other but the next day we hate each other so much but we share one thing in common we borh love Tommy and we will do anything for the boy. But it's kind of sad because Puffy isn't really allowed in this area because she was given the downstairs right area which is the library and Tommy doesn't go there and if he does it's just to see Puffy.

"Oh yes Puffy" I say trying hide the tears in my eyes from what Tommy said to me.

"You alright" Puffy says to me while I try to rub the year from my eyes away.

"Oh yeah I'm fine what do you want" i ask.

"Can you help me sort the books out they kinda fell on the floor and no one will help me out please" she said i try to  not laugh bit it was no use " Hey its not funny and I didn't do it it was the king and he said someone had to help me so come on"

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