Chapter 14

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Sapnap POV

We were just looking at some hand made blankets and stuff like that in the market, when we could hear the people that were screaming before were now screaming even louder than before, when we looked the way the noise was coming from we could see that Tommy and Karl were running away from some royal guards of L'manburg, though it looked like Karl was just dragging Tommy.

"Just hand the dam boy over and we will leave ok, simple as that." the guard said still using his stern tone that he had used before.

"No, I don't think I will do that and I would not be up to negation with one of L'manburgs guards I would rather speak to the king or one of the princes, not that I will be up to negation." George said firmly.

Then a unfamiliar voice spoke up which made Tommy tense up a lot more than before and after seeing who spoke I don't blame him "Ok George, just give him over he lives in L'manburg and if we think about this it is kidnaping which is illegal and I think you know that out of all people."

"Wilbur I think it would be better if tommy said whether he would like to stay here or go back to whatever you call 'home'. Also it isn't kidnaping Tommy is not being held captive and he came with me willingly." George says.

"He loved it back at L'manburg so I don't know what you are talking about. Why are we making this such a bid deal just let him go back." Technoblade said ignoring what George said.

"Really because from what we have all heard it doesn't seem that Tommy likes it there and you and your stupid family don't like him there so why should he go back?" George questioned the prince.

"We do want him there and he wants to be there so he has to come back." Technoblade said he looked over to Tommy and said in a loud controlling voice "Tommy lets go." When tommy didn't more he got even more angry. "NOW." He yelled. Tommy's grip on Karl's jacket tightened as Technoblade spoke. When tommy didn't move Technoblade started to walk over to Tommy pushing anyone that was in the way. "Move Karl." Techno spat as he pushed Karl out of the way and grabbed Tommy's arm and started to walk over to Wilbur and let Wilbur hold tommy while he spoke to the guards for a minuet when he stopped speaking they went on full attack mode and were fighting anyone in the way. I tried to push my way past the crowd and help tommy but I was stopped by Quackity as he whispered something in my ear.

George POV 

I dint know what to do. Tommy was being taken away by his family. I had all ready contacted the guards of Dream SMP to make there way down here and they said we just had to wait about 2 minuets and they would be there. Luckily Karl wouldn't move for a solid minuet  until he was pushed to the ground by Technoblade. He then grabbed Tommy's arm and pulled him over to Wilbur who then held his arm with much more force than Technoblade. Then the guards of L'manburg came and were fighting anyone in the way. Sapnap was clearly angry at the two princes to say the least. Quackity had said something to him that made him either happy, devastated or just shocked although I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mixture of both. Sapnap started to push his way through the crowd and started to scream at Technoblade. Technoblade is a world wide fighter and known for fighting. Hell from what I've heard Technoblade teaches some of the guards that work at L'manburg so for Sapnap to go and start screaming at him was a bad choice but I think we all expected Sapnap to do so if this happened. What we didn't expect was for Sapnap to go up in flames and he started setting a few things on fire. That was when Technoblade commanded the guards to attack Sapnap but he burned them just a little bit it wasn't life threatening but it sure did do a lot of damage. The royal guards of Dream SMP finally showed up, there was about ten to twenty of them and there was about fifteen to thirty of the L'manburg guards so most likely we were out numbered. Turns out I was right. We were and when they did fight the wouldn't win. Somehow Technoblade Wilbur and unfortunately Tommy managed to get out of sight which was no help for us.

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