Chapter 22

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Techno POV

It has been exactly one week and three days since Tommy was taken away from us and from what we know is that anyone who Tommy has opened up to could possibly cause some what of a revaluation in L'manburg, and no one here wants that now. And to say the public has been fine with what had happened at the ball would be the complete opposite. And now because we have left it for so long to deal with things are now getting out of hand. Phil said that we should explain what we did was wrong and fucked up on so many different levels but that would ruin out reputation, now wouldn't it. So while me and Wilbur were alone I decide to speak up about all of this.

"Um, Hey Wilbur, what are we going to do about all of this, like the public are going wild and out of control?" I ask him. Wilbur looked up from his book, that he was reading incredibly slowly as well, and just shook his head before returning back to reading the book.

"I don't know, I thought you had thought of something already but I guess not." Wilbur shrugged, not wanting to pay attention to me or the urgency of all of this.

"Ok, Wilbur you do understand that if we do nothing about this the public will rebel until they get answers, you do understand how urgent this is now, don't you?" I explain. I really don't understand why I have to explain all of this to Wilbur even when he's meant to be the next king and if he cant deal with this then when he becomes the next king the kingdom will fall apart and chaos will begin.

"Oh Yeah well I say that we make up this whole massive lie that we didn't do anything and that George and that lot have, like manipulated Tommy in to thinking that we did all of this, there a reasonable exploitational for all of this." Wilbur says, unbothered by all of this.

After that Wilbur started to realise how bad the situation was and we both started to figure out something to say. And ultimately the reason was not that bad, for us to say the least. And to make it even better not all of it was a lie, but most of it was.

The lie was that Tommy was kidnapped by them and so they can then hurt him like that so that they could take him and have a personal punching bag. So, to make it more believable we did have to threaten Dream SMP with war, but its fine. We wont go to war. Hopefully. Yeah we wont.

Sapnap POV

Me and Dream had just finished looking at cakes and freshly baked bread when we could see a crowd forming near our horses. Dream ran off ahead to get to know what was happening. When he was finished with whatever he was doing I heard him call out my name. The crowd formed a path way for me to be able to see Dream. I speed walked towards him and he pointed at some sort of poster on the lap post.

To Dream SMP

After what has happened during the ball at L'manburg and the kidnapping of the youngest prince we will declare war if he is not returned to L'manburg within a week.

This is a chance to surrender


I took a deep breath in and then sighed after a few seconds. I gave Dream  the bag I was holding and ripped the poster off of the lamp post without ripping the poster to much.

"We have to go, now!" I yell. We both quickly get a hold of the horses and mount them and we started to ride off towards the palace. There was a few yells of what was happening and them wanting a explanation. With in 10 minutes we made it to the castle and there was multiple royal guards standing outside looking very confused when we came into view. 

"Get the horses put into the stables and taken care of!" Dream yelled. Some of the guards ran off with the horses once we got off of them. We were starting to sprint now, and there was still no sign of George. After a while of running we did manage to find George, he was sitting down either doing paper work or he was reading a book of some sort.

"George, George!" I panted. George turned around and looked at both me and Dream confused. 

"Yes, yes, what is it, what's wrong?" George asked. George stood up and guided us to some seats and we then sat down.

"Its, Its L'manburg they, they." I gave up trying to talk and gave George the poster. Once he analysed it he reread it again and again and again making sure that it wasn't a prank or something. 

"Is this real?" George asked, he sounded heartbroken once he read it.

"Unfortunately, I, we just saw it in the city so someone from L'manburg must have put it up!" Dream explained. 

"Why do they even want Tommy back there they don't even like him or pay attention to him, and then what they also did to him after that all, why the fuck do they want him?!" I spat out. George looked up at me and he was about to say something before he cut himself off and didn't say anything. 

"What was it George?" Dream asked. George shook his head.

"Oh No its nothing, I shouldn't of even thought of saying it, but I wouldn't put it past them." George explained. When he said that last bit of his sentence it all came together, well most of it.

After the ball I can only imagen how many people were confused, and so the royal family made up a lie of that we kidnaped Tommy and that they didn't hurt him one bit. When in fact they had hurt him the most. And now they are sending threats to us and if we don't comply then war is apparently the only other option. And now either they just need Tommy back to prove that they did nothing wrong or they just wanted to use him for letting their anger out on. George seemed to pick up on this and just started to look much more sad than normally. George just simply nodded at me and looked back at the ground.

"Wait what is it, come on, am I just being stupid or something?" Dream asks.

"No, its nothing for you to worry about, well right now." George says, sounding desperate. dream understood this and stopped talking about it.

"Well, we really should tell the rest of the group, you know?" I say.

"Yeah, we should," George said, he looked up and saw and random royal guard standing just outside of the office we were in, "Um Excuse me, please can you go and find Quackity, Karl, Ranboo and Tubbo and tell them to report to this exact office, thank you." The royal guard nodded and walked away without saying a word.

After 17 minutes of waiting, in a awkward silence, the whole group came running in and when they saw us they burst out laughing.

"Right, what's so funny to you all? Ans stop laughing tight now, that's an order." George demanded, they all saw this as a sign o stop laughing and most of them did, apart from Tubbo and Quackity. "Tubbo and Quackity, would you two both care to explain why you can not follow a simple instruction?" Tubbo and Quackity looked at the ground and stopped laughing but kept snickering, quietly.

"No, no its fine George, and what did you need us all for?" Tubbo said still laughing.

"Ok, well you can all read this, since you all cant be polite enough to listen to me." George says, muttering the last part. I handed out the poster, per Georges request, and Karl took it and help it out in the middle of whatever shape they had formed.

When I looked up next Tubbo was crying and the rest were close to be in tears. 

"Yeah, this is why George was being serious." Dream explained.

"Well, what are we gonna do about this?" Karl asked.

"Give Tommy to them." Quackity mutters in a joke full tone.

"Not the right time to be joking Quackity." I sigh.

"Sorry." Quackity muttered under his breath.

"Well, if we are being serious what are we going to do about all of this, and no Quackity we are not giving Tommy to them so they can beat him until he's dead?" Tubbo says, he sounded disappointed at the end of the sentence I mean I am in the fact of that we had to tell someone that sending Tommy away was not an option. Like even though Quackity said it as a joke it still should not of been said.

"Well, I say that we go to war, or get Tommy to expose them before war is considered." Karl suggests. Honestly, I'm glad that Karl had said this as it was the best and only suggestion we had got so far, but we still have like six to seven days until they attack, so that plenty time. Right?

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