Chapter 3

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Wilbur POV

Ever since we sent Tommy off to the war I've been feeling terrible. Like we did something wrong. Like he was a adult and its not morally wrong, he also  didn't do anything for us and he was do selfish. He always ignored us when we tried to talk to him and he was grumpy all the time.

"Prince Wilbur I would like to talk to you." I hear someone call out who's voice I do not recognise. I turn around and see its the guard Sam. I don't know Sam that well because he spends most of his time near Tommy's area mainly because he was given that area when he started working here. But I've spoken to him a few times and he seems like a nice guy. I know Sam was and probably still is pissed at us for sending Tommy to war.

"Yes Sam." I ask him Sam looked very angry, but less when he first heard the news, and sad and his eyes are red and checks a small bit puffy.

"Well I would like to know if you wanted prince Tommy to go to the war." Sam explains while looking me up and down. This is the first time he has talked to me since we sent Tommy off and I thought he would confess ro me of how much he didn't like Tommy and that he was sorry for being mad but I didn't think it would be this. I also didn't like the seriousness in his voice because he is usually a calm and nice person.

"Of course I did he was really anno-" I say before getting cur of by the guard.

"First he was and is not annoying second what do you mean 'did." Sam explains to me he said it extremely fast.

"What do you mean he was annoying and selfish like we gave him a home we gave him food we gave him happiness he doesn't even do anything around here but stay in that room of his and why are you making it such a big deal like he's a adult and can legally go to fight in the war." I say with as much confidence as I can find but it came out a bit cracked and didn't sound like I had any of it.

''That's not true Prince Wilbur you do know that he is only 17 and that he Barley eats and you did not give him happiness the only people who did was me and puffy not the people he should of called his family." Sam explains to me. This is when it hits me I'm in the wrong he is in the right.

Is he trying to defend that brat he was annoying and everyone in the kingdom aggreges with us like no one likes him I think to myself.

"Are you trying to defend that brat." I ask the royal guard.

"Well yes sir but" he says stuttering at his words.

"See we all know deep down that you hate the boy so give up pretending that you like him, he isn't here and he wont know what you say." I explain.

"Yes sir but i do not hate the prince." Sam said.

"Ok leave me alone now." I instruct.

"Ok sir." Sam says.

What have we done.

Tommy POV

I look down in shame and keep my head down for the rest of the time we are sat in them lines of people.

One of the people who looked at me oddly was a man with black hair he had a white head band on and a jumper with a small fire symbol on it. He had black sweat pants on with a pair of boots on.

George and Dream were looking at him as well and they were making jokes with him and were trying not to laugh be failing and burst out laughing quietly.

The same man that came up to me went up to them and told them to be quiet. After a few minutes about 10 or 20 people joined the queues and then the men handed out these uniforms that were multiple shades of light and dark green. They looked very ugly and uncomfortable. We were split up into groups luckily I got put into a group with Dream George that man with the head band and 2 other men. One of them had a purple hoodie with a cyan swirl in the middle of it on his left arm the colour is cyan and the right is a lighter shade of purple. The other man had a

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