Chapter 25

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Wilbur POV

"Hey Techno."

"Yeah Will?"

"Did you hear about what Dream SMP is doing today?"

"Yeah, Oh ok yeah I will be ready an hour."

"Got it."

George POV

Today is the day. Today is the day. Today is the day that we have to expose the L'manburg royal family, and I am not looking forward to doing it what so ever. Tommy has been panicking all day and everyone else is just really stressed out by all of that's happening. And I am just stressed out about what happens if it all goes wrong an if Tommy does something we said we wouldn't do or that he will panic. So after a lot of thinking I have decided to go and talk to Tommy about it and make sure he is alright with everything again and just to make myself feel a a lot better about all of this.

I walked down several halls and past several stair cases, until the infirmary was finally in view. I sped up a but when I saw the infirmary and then slowed down when I got to the final destination. I opened the door and was greeted with a cool breeze and Tommy was sat staring at the boring and plain wall. His head turned suddenly when he heard the door open and then looked at me.

"Hey Tommy," I say cautiously, "are you all right, because it doesn't seem like staring at a plain wall is a normal thing?" I explain to the boy.

"Oh No, no, no I'm fine, in fact I've never been better in my whole life!" Tommy said sarcastically while rolling his eyes at me like I was stupid, which I am not. 

"Ok, don't be sarcastic with me, and I saw that eye roll from here." I say as I moved a chair ne to the bed. Tommy sighed.

"Why the hell would I be fine or amazing any day especially today of all days?" Tommy said harshly.

"Yeah you're right, anyways, well you should probably come with me to the dinning room for some  food, because I have not seen you eat with us and there are no plates in here from today so lets go." I explain as I stood up and playfully dragged Tommy with me making sure to not hurt him at all.

We made it to the dining room in around 10 minutes and when we got there we could immediately smell freshly baked bread and a classic  common yet delicious soup. We walked over to the kitchen that was next to the dining room.

"Hey Tommy, what do you want to eat?" I ask the bot. He looked around and then quietly mumbled something that I couldn't hear. "Tommy could you please repeat that for me?" I ask gently.

"Could I have umm I don't know, sorry." Tommy added. I nod reassuringly at the boy who's face was filled with sadness and he also looked a little scared and worried all at the same time, which I did not think was possible for a human.

"It's completely fine Tommy, ok. Do you want something sweet or savoury?" I ask the panicked blond boy.

"Oh Ok could I have something savoury please?" Tommy asked, he still looked scared but not as much as before.

"Yes you can, do you want to try some of Ant's freshly baked bread with some jam on or something?" I suggest. Tommy nodded his head in agreement to the suggestion. "Ok, I'll go and get someone to get you it, you just wait here." I explain. Tommy nodded and went to the nearest seat and sat down without complaining.

I walked away from Tommy and into the kitchen. I could see Ant was there as well, he was cooking something and it smelled amazing.

"Hey Ant!" I said with no warning what's so ever.

"Oh Hey George I didn't see you there, how are you?" Ant explained quickly.

"I'm good, what about you?" I say calmly.

"I'm good, so why are you here or did you just want to come and talk to me?" Ant asked curiously.

"I mean we can talk later but Tommy wanted to have some bread and jam so yeah." I explain to Ant.

"Ok, I'll start that now then." Ant said as he moved away from what he was previously doing and started to make the food.

After a while of waiting Ant came back with the food on a tray.

"Thank you Ant, I'll come down later to talk." I call out. I left the kitchen and walked away. Once I made my way back Tommy was still sat down rocking his foot back and forward, looking bored out of his mind.

"Hey Tommy I'm back, sorry I took a little while I was talking to Ant." I explained. Tommy looked up from the floor and I walked over to him a bit quicker than I was before.

I dragged another chair, that was close by, and placed it next to Tommy's. I sat down and gave Tommy the tray with the food on it. Tommy started to eat the food with in a few seconds.

"So, Tommy is there anything you want to do after today or something because I reckon with in few weeks maybe less you'll be fully healed?" I ask. Tommy's face brightened up at the thought of this. I mean he has been stuck inside for weeks if not months, now thinking about it, it seems really unfair on Tommy. No wonder he looks quiet pale.

"Yes, could we go down the market for a day, but just staying together for the day so nothing bad happens?" Tommy asked excitedly, practically jumping out of his seat.  

"I mean yeah we can absolutely do that some day soon!" I say happily.

I looked over t the clock that was in the corner of the room. 12.27 PM.

"What the hell?" I mutter. 

"What is it?" Tommy asked confused.

"It's 12.27 PM, we have 33 minutes until we need to be ready, shit!" I say panicked. "Right Tommy why don't you go and find Tubbo or Ranboo or Quackity and get ready ok." I explain. I got up and then Tommy did as well. I started to run around until I made my way to my wardrobe. I got something that was some what formal. I put it on and then walked outside of the wardrobe and bumped into Dream. Just who I was looking for.

"Hey Dream, perfect timing!" I explain.

"Yeah I was looking for you as well, there is, um how do I put it, a lot of people waiting out side the gates!" Dream explained.

"How many at a guess?" I ask.

"Uh Five hundred to a thousand and that's not going to be all of them!" Dream explained. I sighed.

"All right how long until we let them in?" I ask Dream.

"About eighteen minutes, also have you seen Tommy like anywhere because I have not seen him and no one else has?" Dream asked.

"Is he not with Tubbo?" I ask.

"No he isn't!" Dream said.

"What about Ranboo?" I ask.

Dream shook his head.

"Quackity?" I ask.


I'm sorry this chapter took a while to finish I've been busy recently but the next chapter should be out soon. 

1212 words 

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