Chapter 16

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George POV 

To say we were worried, about Tommy and what Technoblade, Wilbur and Philza or anyone that was there would do to him and how he would act when he got back, was a understatement. None of us were really sleeping, eating or just being a normal human. The public was demanding answers for what happened on the street that night and we just couldn't provide any of them a simple answer, it was always something like 'We can not tell you' or 'its not our place to say anything'. It wasn't our place to as well. So it was not helping us in the slightest bit. We didn't know what to do or how to tell the public or calm them down some people thought it was the start of a war, they might not be wrong as well. I decided to ask everyone, including the guards but they were no help at all, what we are going to do about, because we  had waited a few days in case Tommy would of managed to escape from Technoblade or Wilbur. But he didn't.

We were all sat down at the table in a uncomfortable silence. I decided to finally speak up after around fifteen minutes of the silence that no one liked. "Right, so, what are we going to do this about, and I think we all know what I'm talking about."

"Yeah, I don't think any of us know what to do." Quackity admits.

"Well we cant exactly get in to the castle and tommy would probably be there because of its high security," Karl explained "We also cant get in to L'manburg because of the border an I reckon we aren't allowed in there now due to what has happened. We also cant talk to the police or authorises because they are a part of the royal family."

"Well we might not be allowed in there legally but what about illegally?" Quackity brings up in to conversation with a smirk sat on his face. Now I would do anything if it meant to keep Tommy safe, happy and health but if we were caught that would be a problem and might end up in war between L'manburg and they have so many more allise than us so if we did go to war its safe to say we would have very little chance to win. No one wants that to happen.

"Yes but if we get caught that could be bad on all of us especially me and Dream." I say.

"Well that's the thing we wont be caught." Sapnap said with a smug face. I didn't like that one bit.

"Ok well if all goes bad and they declare war we will be fine our army is better than theirs so we will be fine but I don't really want to go to war with a country right next to us." Dream adds while doing a weird hand movement.

"Well is there anything happening in the castle any time soon?" Sapnap asked anyone in sat on the table. 

Just as luck had it there was.

"Actually they are hosting a party, or ball, in about a month." I say sounding surprised "Unfortunately that is the closest time the castle is open for visitors or members of the public. Its a long time but we have much more of a chance to get Tommy back here if we do it this way rather than just breaking into the palace." I could hear a few sighs of defeat but there was a little hope in their voices as well, just a little bit of it.

"George are you sure you can't do anything like anything at all." Dream whines.

"Why would I be able to make changes to a different kingdom, we don't really talk to them that much unless its for trade or something or something like that." I ask Dream he hummed a small noise. 

"Well we can just simply wait and see if they have announced anything about Tommy, or as Technoblade calls him Theseus, or anything about the ball or something like that." Quackity mocked.

We all got up, in our own time, and made our way to a different rooms. I walked down stairs to the kitchen, and when I got there I could see Ant putting something in the oven and I think he burnt him self slightly as he make a quiet yelp of pain and it looked like he did burn himself as well. "Are you okay Ant?" I ask concerned as he started to shake his hand in the air trying to cool the burn down but that would never work.

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