Chapter 20

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Ranboo POV

Right so lets get to the point, it has been exactly 2 hours since Tubbo told me and George to leave him and Tommy alone.  And I would be concerned about this if I did not hear a faint laugh coming from Tommy and Tubbo every 5 to 10 minutes so I think its safe to say that it is going well for them both. Although one of the royal guards has told me that we are all needed in the dining room for food. And Tommy is also meant to join us as well and I'm not sure about how exited he will be to leave the infirmary. The royal guard was about to go into the infirmary and talk to Tommy and Tubbo when I told him that I could do it and I did need to talk to both of them, so he agreed to it and walked off into a staircase on the side of the corridor. 

I knocked on the door, and I could hear I faint yell telling me it was ok to come into the room. I opened the door and saw, what it looked like, a blanket fort in between two of the beds that were next to each other. Not going to lie, I was impressed by this, like how did they do this in that short amount of time, because I can guarantee that Tubbo did most of it because Tommy cant really walk and he is half blind, which only impressed me more. I cleared my thought loud enough for them both to hear and when they had their attention on to me I started to speak.

"You both are needed in the dining room for food." I state. Tubbo nodded and Tommy looked at me confused.

"Why am I needed?" Tommy asked.

"I dunno, a royal guard told me." I explain. Tommy still looked confused.

"Do you need help with walking, Tommy?" Tubbo asked. Tommy shook his head and stood up before stumbling with taking a few step and then fell to the floor. He groaned in pain from this as Tubbo smirked and helped Tommy up. "So you do need help." Tubbo exclaimed. Tommy sighed in defeat and let Tubbo help him walk. 

"Right, we should probably hurry up since we only have like 5 minutes  until a royal guard comes and will like drag us there." I say only exaggerating a little bit, only a little.

"Oh Shit, yeah we really should hurry up, ok Tommy how fast can you walk?" Tubbo asked and Tommy shrugged at the question.

Eventually we made it to the dining room and we were only 13 minutes late, now that was because of how big the palace is and we did get lost. George did seem a bit disappointed with us but that doesn't matter at the moment. Karl helped Tommy to his seat and Tubbo sat to his right and I sat to Tommy's left. 

For the first couple of minutes we were sat at the table it was in a awkward silence of us all eating, well not all of us. Tommy was yet to eat something and I think some of the people were starting to catch on to this, as they would look up every other second to see if he had taken any thing to eat. I looked back at his plate and he still hadn't eaten anything so I, as carefully as I could, slightly nudged his left arm. He looked up at me with a confused look and I slightly moved my head towards the different choices of food that sat on the table untouched by any one apart from the cooks.

"Are you gonna eat anything?" I whisper to Tommy, he looked at me like I was missing something or as he was asking for permission to eat, because there was no way that he was not hungry from not having any food today, I knew this because of the amount of plates of food in the medical room that had not been touched. Tommy looked at me again as if he was asking for permission to have some food. "You are aloud to eat, you d know that don't you?" I whisper, Tommy shook his head and moved his hand up and pointed to the dumplings. I stood up a bit and gave the to Tommy and Tommy took a few of them. Once I placed them back to there original place I looked up at George and he mouthed a small 'thank you' to me. When we all finished eating I looked over at Tommy and he looked full only from a few dumplings. God, how much food did he get when he was in L'manburg?

"Are you sure you don't want anything else like I'm sure if you want anything George will get it for you just so you know, ok sweetie." I explain. Tommy's breath picked up at this and he started to panic. By this point most people had gone their separate ways and so had George and he is the person I was going to call for but since he isn't here the second option is Tubbo, "Tubbo!" I hissed at him. He looked over and ran over to Tommy.

"What the fuck did you do Ranboo?" Tubbo hiss back at me.

"I-I really don't know I was just talking to him an then I called him something and then he started panicking. Ok? I don't know what happened!" I explain and ramble.

"Wait, what did you call him and what did you say?" Tubbo asks as if he all ready knows what I did wrong and how to fix it all with out leaving a mark. 

"I don't know I said something along the lines of like if you want anything George will get it for you sweetie, I was just trying to comfort him but it clearly did not work." I say. Tommy tensed up at the mention of the nickname.

"Oh Shit I think its what you called him," Tubbo explains to me. That makes more sense now thinking about it. Tubbo turned to Tommy "Tommy can you hear me, Tommy its Tubbo and Ranboo ok, we are in Dream SMP and L'manburg is long gone. Ok, they cant hurt you ok. You're safe." Tubbo cooed. Tommy seemed to calm down at this and his breathing calmed down signifyingly and he seemed to be much more aware of his surroundings as he started to poke me and Tubbo in the arm. I chuckled at this slightly.

"Tommy, I am so sorry I didn't know that me calling you that would trigger you in anyway ok I really didn't mean of any of that to happen." I say hoping that Tommy would forgive me.

"Why are you apologising to me?" Tommy asked, "I'm the one who over reacted to you just being nice to me, if anyone should be apologising it should be me oh talking about it I am so so so sorry about it I really didn't mean it I am sorry please forgive me please?" Tommy begged.

"Tommy, I did the wrong thing there not you ok, I want you to know that." I explained. Tommy hesitated but did nod along to my statement as I said it.

"Can we go back to the infirmary, please?" Tommy asked Tubbo who then nodded and the two other boys ran out of the room, well by they ran out of the room Tubbo ran and Tommy stumbled behind him.

 I walked out of the dining room and I started to wonder around the palace before I bumped into someone. When I looked up I saw that I had bumped into George and he did fall onto the floor.

"Oh Shit I'm so sorry George I didn't mean to." I apologised to the man I had bumped into.

"Oh No its fine, you didn't mean to, and I did want to talk to you as well," George says.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask although it was more of a rhetorical because I had some what of a guess of what he wanted to talk about.

"What was wrong with Tommy, when we were eating earlier?" George asked.

"He was waiting to get permission to eat something, which isn't the slightest bit concerning at all." I say with the part at the end being sarcastic.

"Why was he waiting for permission to eat?" George questions me. 

"Honestly, his brothers probably forced him to ask for permission to eat and at this point I wouldn't put it past them." I guess.

"Ok, well, anyways how are you and how are Tubbo and Tommy getting along, I haven't seen them both today since I left them alone?" George asks me sounding sad.

"Oh Yeah they are getting along pretty well, but I think you need a lot more blankets in the infirmary because it is freezing in there and I don't know how no one has said anything about it." I say. George nodded his head and hummed in a response to my statement. That was when we heard a distant scream. 

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