Chapter 28

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Sapnap POV

Now, from the start I had always been a little suspicious of Tommy but that quickly disappeared as I got to know the young blonde boy. Now, me and Tommy most certainly aren't the friends but we are ok friends. And as time went on we became even better and hell I started to trust the boy. Looking back on it now I really regret that, as the boy was now standing in front of us with the the one man that we were protecting him from, and yet he decided to go with him. I don't understand. But I don't think anyone else here knows what's going on. Tommy was just standing there with Technoblade and watching as the man help George t gun point, not moving to do anything. Even though it was dead silent it felt as if something inside of me was shouting or yelling for me to do something rather then just sit here and watch as my best friend if killed. That was until Tommy said something that shocked everyone.

"N-No, T-Techno y-y-you said y-you w-wouldn't hurt t-them!" Tommy stuttered out. Now we were even more confused.

"Tommy what are you talking about? Have you been talking to Technoblade behind us?" George said, surprisingly calmly seeming as he was being held at gun point and could be dead meat any second. Patches somehow managed to get in o the room and jumped up in to Dream's arms.

"Oh- N-No it's n-not l-l-like that! N-Not at a-all!" Tommy chocked out, trying to steady out his breathing but failing.

"Technoblade, you are aware that if you do shoot that you are declaring war between the two kingdoms?" Dream said, "And that you would have to have L'manburg fight Dream SMP, Kinoko kingdom, Snowchester, Las  Nevadas and possibly Badlands  if they are willing to help with the fight, and as far as I know one of the most powerful nobles there is Awesamedude and Antfrost and from what I know, they both care about Tommy. And I know that L'manburg is a very powerful nation but we all know that your army can't take five different army's. So I suggest you let Tommy go and you don't shoot George." Dream continued. Only, this did not intimidate Technoblade and his grip on Tommy only tightened.

"Yes, I am fully aware of all of that, and so is the rest of my family. And none of that will be a problem for us." Technoblade explained.  

"Ok, but then why are you risking going to war?" Karl asked, saying something for the first time in a while.

"Simple. We need Tommy back in L'manburg to prove to the public that we aren't bad people." Technoblade explained.

"No, you don't." George snapped. When Technoblade shook his head George grew livid, "NO, NO YOU DON'T! IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE OF WHY YOU NEED HIM AND HAVE TO GO OUT OF THE WAY TO KIDNAP HIM JUST SO YOU CAN LIE TO YOUR PEOPLE!" George screamed from the top of his lungs. Technoblade moved his hand that held the gun and pointed it towards Tommy's head. George shut himself up as soon as Technoblade did this. 

"What are  you doing?" Quackity said, panicked, "T-Technoblade, move the gun!" Quackity said, begging.

"Well, if I can't get my own way then no one will." Technoblade said in his monotone voice showing no fear that he may end up killing his own blood.

"Techno, please! I'll go with you and do what ever you want! I swear!" Tommy begged.  But it was no use as Technoblade did nothing to show consideration to what the by had just proposed.

"Look, Tommy I don't want to do this, believe me I don't want to kill my baby brother, but George and Dream have brought this upon you! It's their fault!" Technoblade cooed, but it did not calm Tommy one bit in fact it made the boy start to struggle. "Tommy! I will shoot you if you continue this!" Technoblade said in a harsh voice. Tommy stopped struggling.

"Technoblade, please! I'm begging please put the gun down and we can talk about this!" Dream begged.

"Anyone of you lot say anything and I will shoot!" Technoblade yelled. Patches meowed quietly. "And the stupid cat counts!" We all sat in a tense, none of us willing to even move.

We all were standing holding in our breath in case it counted as talking or some shit because apparently a cat meowing counts.  Patches jumped down from Dream's frim grip and pushed herself against his legs. Dream opened his moth to say something but quickly shut it before anything came out of it. I made a mental note to scold Dream for that later. Dream lightly, not enough to hurt her, kicked Patches away. Patches looked up at Dream with eyes full of pure confusion. At this point I kind of felt bad for the cat but then also I feel bad for Tommy who is about to be killed by his own brother. Then it all happened too quickly for anyone's liking. Technoblade looked Patches' in the eyes and then nodded. It was almost like Technoblade could talk to animals as like he had told Patches to do this. 

Patches meowed. 

The gun was shot.

There was a scream.

Tommy fell to the floor.

George ran up to the body.

There was yelling, screaming, shouting, cries of pain and  devastation.

There was a pool of deep crimson blood on the floor.

 Dream had started to fight Technoblade.

Me, Quackity and Karl hadn't moved an inch.

Tubbo and Ranboo were now at the body.

"SOMEONE GO GET SOMEONE TO HELP! NIOW! THAT'S AN ORDER FROM THE KING!" George screamed. Karl and Quackity ran off as quickly as they could.

Tommy had started to cough and blood was slowly dripping out from his mouth.

I ran over and knelt next to Tommy. His breathing had started t slow down slightly, and Tubbo had started to sob and he was now shaking Tommy trying to keep him awake and alive until someone got to him. But it was all useless. It all is. Dream had managed to get Technoblade to the ground and he now had the sword  that was once Technoblade's. Dream pierced the sword in to the other man's arm not enough so it would kill him but enough to make the man fall  unconscious. Dream ran up to where we were sitting. Tommy slowly closed his eyes.

"Tommy! Tommy! Open your eyes! You need to stay awake! " Tubbo begged. His tears dripped on to Tommy's chest that was not moving as much as it should be.

"'T's no use." Tommy chocked out.

"Tommy! Don't you dare close your eyes! I'll let you do anything! Ok, anything! Just as long as you stay with us! Does that sound alright?" George rambled, he had started to cry now and at this point I think we all were. 

Karl and Quackity had got back now and there was about five to ten people following them with some bags of medical supplies. Even though I didn't want to accept it, I knew that it was hopeless and that no matter what we did Tommy would not see another sunrise.

"T-Thank y-you for all t-that y-you h-have d-done!" Tommy said.

Tommy took his last breath as the sun fell from the sky.

He wold truly never see the sun again.

Thank you for reading! I have had a fun time writing this book and I do plan to write some more if you want to read them. I hope you have a good day, night or everting.

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