Chapter 17

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Dream POV 

You know , I did not expect it to be this easy to get in to the most secure place in all of the so called great city L'manburg , the palace , but hey it fucking was , and I think we were all surprised by this by the faces we had made when we got in to the palace with out them questioning the fact that we had masks on but I don't think any of us are going to complain about it. I could tell that George was freaking the fuck out about all of this and I think everyone here who was paying attention to him could tell he was freaking out , and some of them gave him a weird look as well which turns out will not help someone who is freaking out , but we did help reassure him every minute or so , which did seem to help him a little bit but clearly is was not enough to stop him from worrying. After a while of us standing around in the ball room talking trying to distract each other from worrying and panicking each other , the King , who some people can call Philza , had moved and gone in to a different room than us while Technoblade and Wilbur were busy talking to Tubbo and Ranboo , so we decided this was the best chance to leave this room and for us to try and to find Tommy in this hell hole some people call a 'home' or a safe place. We were just wondering around the castle for a while before we bumped into a royal guard , he gave off a rude and uncomfortable vibe it was like a aura. We may of forgotten about the fact that the royal guards would be on patrol looking after the palace while there was a lot more people than normal. Well it was to late for that now , wasn't it.

"What are you all doing here , it is off bounds you know that right." The guard said firmly with no emotion shown on his face well as much of his face that we could see while he had like a mask on at least I think it was a mask , but I'm think that's like a rule of having this job kind of sucks but I can understand why that is.

"Well our friend , who is kind of well half blind , got lost in the castle after someone went to talk to someone else and then we had to go back and talk to him so we decided to go look for him and we forgot about him until right now so we decided to go look for him and I think I know where he is so we wont be that long." George lied , well it wasn't really entirely a lie Wilbur and Technoblade did go talk to Tommy although Tommy clearly did not want to go with them and he is lost in the castle and we were just trying to find Tommy so yeah he didn't even really lie, but he isn't half blind, not that I know of. 

"Okay well I'm afraid you can not be here, I will go and look for your friend. You can all go back to either the throne room or the ball room where you are more than welcome and stay there and I will bring your friend to you , again I am so very sorry about this inconvenience but it is against the law to journey off in the palace with out a member of the royal family to escort you around or if you have been given permission and everyone knows about it." The guard said still showing no emotion on the parts of his face that we could see. I stood a bit closer to everyone not enough for it to be obvious that we were planning something.

"Me and the rest of us , apart from George and Sapnap , will slowly go and slip away from this small group , ok , so keep the attention on you and Sapnap at all times ok if this doesn't work not we have no chance of finding Tommy and we will have to wait like another 5 to 10 months before the castle is open." I whisper loud enough for all of us to here apart from the guard , as if he did hear any of it we would have no chance to leave and find Tommy and possibly , no not possibly we would , be arrested for trespassing. And so we did that only the guard did catch on to us with in 10 minutes of us being away from him , George and Sapnap so I would say it was a ok plan. We started to walk just a bit faster than before so if we were being chased there would be less of a chance of being caught , until we could hear some people to our right in the far distance. It wasn't anyone I know , well I could really tell because we could just hear them faintly. We made our way to the voice and we could hear them ok, I still didn't know who they were even when we could all see them. There was a girl with some light pink hair, though it was kind of faded but it still looked nice, and she had a light pink ballgown on and the boy that stood next to her was wearing a pitch black suit and trying to keep a hold of a, what I think is a , piglin hybrid or just a normal piglin child , its hard to tell the difference from the back side of them.

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