Chapter 26

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Tommy POV

Me and George were just talking and relaxing when he then realised what time it was and that we only had like thirty minutes until we have to be ready for the event. He got up and told me to go and find Tubbo, Ranboo or Quackity to help me. I don't understand it all but what ever, you can't disobey the king now can you. But I think one flaw in his plan was the fact that I still do not know my way around the palace so I did just start to wonder around the palace, hoping that I would just bump in to Tubbo, Ranboo or just anyone for that matter. Although after a while I started to feel like someone was watching me. I pushed that thought away. Though after another thirteen minutes of just wondering around the palace the feeling of someone watching me came back and no matter what I couldn't stop thinking about it. I stopped walking for a second and looked around at my surroundings, I couldn't see anyone else apart from a few guards that were on duty, so I didn't question it, even though I should of.

I continued to walk around until I started to recognise some of my surroundings. Now, somehow I managed to walk in a complete circle and I ended up back in the dining hall. Great. But I could hear someone talking in the dining hall. I creaked the door open slightly, just enough so I could see who was inside the room. And to my surprise, I did not recognise them.

Now, all of the guards have the exact same uniform, well some have a different uniform because they are a higher level then the other ones, but they all look very similar, and you could tell that they worked here from that. And all of the servants wear a very similar uniform for this reason. In case some one managed to break in to the castle. 

The only things I could really see was that there was around five different people. One had some long hair tied into a messy bun on the back of their head. They were wearing a unique uniform compared to the rest of the people that were also there. Right, so he's the one either in charge or he's much better at what ever they are here for. Then it hit me. Light pink hair. Long light pink hair in a messy bun. Techno.

There was another man sat there as well, talking to the man with a messy bun, or Technoblade. He was wearing a, old, worn out suit that had a logo on it, but it looked like he had tried either cut the logo out and then sew on a different one for there brand, or he had someone try, or well attempt, to try and cover it up but clearly failing at it so they just gave up. Clear to say that it did not ;look good, what so ever. He looked like he was in charge.

And then the rest of the people there were just wearing a plain and standard uniform you'd expect for a sketchy business. But I still don't understand why they are here. It doesn't make any sense to me. They all started to move a bit and they then all looked over at the door. Like they already knew I was there the entire time. They started to walk towards the door and then I could see that there was not only about five of them, rather there was about fifth teen of them. And a few of them had masks on so I couldn't even see who they were or what they looked like.

I closed the door quickly and then started to quickly run as quietly as I could trying to not draw attention to myself. I could hear a door open and then slam shut and then some people start running, carelessly. Now somehow I managed to get some where where I could hear, or it sounded like, Tubbo and Ranboo. I couldn't tell what they were saying but they sounded worried and panicked.

I continued to follow the sound of their voices as the sound of people running became louder by the second. There was a door at the end of the corridor and the sound of Tubbo and Ranboo became very clear. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open at all. It was locked. I started to bang on the door more and more.

"Tubbo, Ranboo, let me in, now please!" I beg, I turn around and there was Technoblade. He started to quickly walk towards me. "Tubbo, Please!"

Ranboo POV

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