Chapter 15

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Tommy POV 

I sit up and take a closer look of the food that sat next to me, too close for my liking. I pick up the fork, that was sat on the trey the plate and the knife were sat on, and move some of the mask potatoes to one side of the plate and see some sort of pill. 'I'm not eating that, no way in hell' I think. I stand up and slowly make my way towards the balcony. The door was unlocked so I walked outside. The fresh air hit my face, on instinct  as I stepped out which made me step back inside. 'I mean no one will notice if I don't eat this will they?' I walk over to the food and pick up the plate and walk back over to the balcony. I look down to see if I could se anyone. There was no one there so I quickly threw the food over and I could hear a quiet thud of the food landing on the floor. I could hear someone say something, well they must of been yelling since I could hear them,  they were down stairs with the door closed. Well the door was closed. I could see the glass door open and I was just hoping that it was a servant or guard. Unfortunately it was Wilbur. He looked up towards where I standing, well I was now crouching but he could still see me. I sprint over to my door just wishing that there was a lock on the inside of the room. To my surprise there was. I tried to lock the door as quick as I could but I was starting to shake. I managed to lock the door just in time because as soon as I did I heard Wilbur yelling my name from a distance. 

"TOMMY!" Wilbur screamed, I could hear him getting closer and closer to the locked door. When he got to the door he started to unlock it from the outside but it didn't work. "TOMMY OPEN THE DOOR!" Wilbur screeched. This caught the attention of Technoblade, they then started to try and kick the door down which seemed like it wasn't working, for a few minutes.

"TOMMY YOU EITHER UNLOCK THIS DOOR OR WE WILL KICK THE DOOR DOWN!" Technoblade screamed. I run over to balcony and walk out side and climb over the fence and onto the edge of the platform. I carefully walk to the side of the balcony while holding onto the fence with my life. I made it to the side just in time because there was no longer a door, well there was but it was now on the floor. I was out of view of Wilbur and Technoblade but I was still scared for my life. I was hoping that they wouldn't go looking out the balcony because if they did I was fucked. 

"Tommy, sweetie, we just want to keep you safe you that right?" Wilbur cooed. I bit the side of my cheek until I could taste the familiar flavour of blood. 'Does blood even have a flavour? I'll have to ask George or someone when I get back to them.' I was curt out of my thoughts by Wilbur walking over to the balcony. He opened the door and walked out. He stared at me. Before I could do anything Wilbur yanked my arm. 'Well that's broken.' Wilbur pulled me into the room and Technoblade handed something  to Wilbur and it was a syringe full of a transparent liquid. I didn't like the look of it and I didn't like how Wilbur looked at me before he injected the liquid in my arm. After about 2 minutes I passed out I'm not sure why I did but hey I did and I cant change that now can I.

Wilbur POV 

Me and Techno just don't understand tommy, and I don't we ever will for that matter, now it is a bid problem because me and Techno can practically read each others mind and with tommy . . . .


Why does it have to be like this. why cant we tell what he is thinking about and how he is feeling. Techno gave me a weakness potion mixed with a bit of strength and poison so it would just knock tommy out make him weak when he wakes up. So when I injected it into him he passed out within 2 minutes. 

"Here," Techno said as he handed out  another potion to me. "Its a memory loss potion, hell forgets about all of this and we can get things like before." Techno said but in his eyes the only thing I could see was him wanting blood while he looked down at Tommy.

"No we aren't doing that Techno," I say while giving him a look to tell him I wasn't talking about the potion.

"Fine." I take the potion from Techno and walk over to Tommy. He looked so peaceful and calm while asleep. I unscrew the lid to the potion and put it against Tommy's lips he drank it, I don't know how he did but he did. He started to shift uncontrollably in his sleep and on his face there was no sign that peace was ever there it looked like war and fighting. I stepped back and walked out of the room before Techno called my name again which caught my attention. "Wilbur we cant leave him here there is no door he would just leave i say we take him to the room."

"That's a great idea Technoblade!"

I just want to say thank you for 2.38 thousand reads. LIKE HOW I HAVENT EVEN BEEN WRITING THIS BOOK FOR THAT LONG? I don't know how to thank you all enough. I'm not that good at this sort of stuff like thanking people and apologising but thank you for reading I hope you have a good day, night, afternoon or evening.

1002 words 

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