Chapter 21

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Dream POV

We had just finished eating and me and Sapnap went to go and talk about whatever crossed our minds. And not to my surprise, the topic of today was love, this the topic most days when Sapnap picks it. And Sapnap ended up bringing Karl and Quackity into the discussion, which I saw happening as soon as he started talking, he did then proceed to bring up how me and George would look good together and how we should start dating each other, he shut himself up after I gave him a kick to the leg. We were talking for another 10 minutes before we heard a distant scream coming from someone younger than me and Sapnap. Tommy. We looked at each other for a minute or so and then started to run to the persons scream, of pain being scared I honestly couldn't tell you.

We soon made our way to the infirmary when we saw Ranboo and George were also standing there muttering something we couldn't hear to each other, although I should of expected this to happen. I walk over to Ranboo and poke his arm getting his attention and he stopped talking to George.

"Do you know what happened?" I ask Ranboo, still confused at all of this.

"Honestly I've got no clue, I was just talking to George and then we heard a scream coming from the infirmary," Ranboo explained, "And now George is trying to get Tubbo or Tommy to open the door because he cant." Ranboo added as now George had moved over to try and get the door open.

"Ok thanks." I say.

I walk up to the door and I push George out of the way. I twist the door handle and not to my surprise it was starting to open.

"George the door was never locked," I say, George looked down at the ground ashamed but I a  joking way, "You know that it is a rule that you aren't allowed to lock it?" I ask. Sapnap was snickering in the background of the scene and Ranboo was trying not to join him.

"Yes I know that Dream the door was just stuck and I couldn't open it, ok! S I was trying to get Tubbo or Tommy to open it for me!" George half yells.

"Ok whatever you say," I say mockingly, "Anyway Tommy, Tubbo are you both ok?"

"I am but Tommy's having a panic attack and I don't know what to do!" Tubbo said sounding very panicked.

"Ok George you're best with this sort of stuff." I ask before realising that George was already making his way over to Tommy and he was comforting him. After standing there watching George and Tommy for 1 and a half minutes Tommy had started to calm down. George was still muttering reassurance and comforting phrases to Tommy. Once Tommy had fully calmed down there was a awkward silence. I poked Sapnap in the arm to get his attention. Once he was giving me the attention I gestured for us to leave  the others alone and for us to leave and go. He agreed and we both made our ways out of the room and we were just wondering around the castle.

"Hey, you know what, we should get Tommy and the rest something from a bakery, like one of the really posh ones!" Sapnap announced to me. I shook my head at his idea. "Oh Come on now you cant say that you don't want to get something from one of them, and think how happy Tommy would be if we got him something, it'll be worth it I swear, please?" Sapnap wined. And unfortunately I gave in to him and sighed. Tommy would be really happy if we did get him something and its a iconic sort of memory from your childhood that Tommy wont have if we don't.

"Fine, but this wasn't my idea when something goes wrong, you got that Sapnap?" I ask. Sapnap eagerly nods his head and we set off for the stables to get two horses for the journey down to the capital.

When we made our way down to the stables there was no one there apart from on eof the random workers who was sleeping on the job. I made a mental note in my head to talk to George about this problem we have.

"Right, you can use that one and I'll have this one, alright," I explain. Sapnap looked at me confused and slightly scared so I asked him "and you do know how to ride?"

"Yeah, I do, its just been a long time since I have ridden a horse." Sapnap says nervously. 

"Come on, we have to hurry if we want to make it back to the palace before dark, ok?" I say Sapnap nodded and swallowed before we both got on the horses and started to make our way down to the city. It is currently summer and so it will get darker much later so there will be more people than normally at this time. Now, thinking about it the store might not be open now r by the time we get there but lets not worry about that right now.

After an hour we were officially in the city and out in the public with no protection so if someone was to try and surprise attack us they would probably win the short fight.

"Hey Sapnap you do know where the shop is don't you?" I question him. Sapnap just looks at me and nods, looking nervous.

After a while there was a bakery in view and from Sapnaps reaction it seemed to be the right one as he started to dismount the horse and run up to the bakery like a 5 year old. I dismount my horse and get a hold of their rains and tie them up to a light pole on the side f the road, making sure that they didn't block the path.

"This is the right one right, Sapnap?" I ask.

"Yeah it is, lets go!" Sapnap says as he drags me inside of the shop.

When we entered the delightful smell of freshly baked filled our noses, then came al of the freshly baked sweets and pastries. Now I can understand why Sapnap insisted we go here.

"Right, how do we chose?" I ask. Sapnap shrugs at me and I sigh. We didn't really think this one out now did we. We should've asked Tommy what he would want.

"I mean, we could just get one of everything and call it a day?" Sapnap suggests.

"No, we aren't doing that." I start to wonder around and try to find something that Tommy would like. I vaguely remember him saying that he liked chocolate, or I'm imagining it. Well, you cant go wrong with chocolate now can you, most if not nearly everyone likes it.

"Why don't we get some macarons," Sapnap suggests, "Oh what about some tarts the are nice."

After we decided about what we were getting I went up to the counter and stated my order.

"Ok can we get a pack chocolate muffins, a normal tart and a box of macarons, please?" I order. The person working there went to get the order ready and when it was it came out to be exactly 20 pounds.

When we left it was still light outside but there was a crowd starting to form right outside the bakery, very close to our horses. I gave Sapnap the bag of pastries and I walk over to the crowd. 

"Wats going on over here?" I ask. There was a few gasps from some people recognising my voice and my face after a few people turned around to see who had asked.

"Oh Um There's a thing from L'manburg!" A nervous voice calls out. As I made my way over a path formed to let me through. And indeed there was. 

To Dream SMP 

After what has happened during the ball at L'manburg and the kidnapping of the youngest prince we will declare war if he is not returned to L'manburg within a week.

This is a chance to surrender


Well Fuck.

1355 words

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