Joyful Guilt

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I trudged into the building. Glaring at my feet trying not to look anyone in the eye. I vaguely made out shocked eyes glancing over in my direction. As I walked past the employees of my father, all stopped to stare. It was certainly a rarity to see me anywhere near my fathers building, much less inside one.

I walked up to the desk and looked up to ask the receptionist were the meeting was. She told me it was in the main meeting room on the sixteenth floor. I obviously knew that. I was just stalling.

As I pressed the button to the elevator, I stared out of the glass door to see a limo roll into the parking space. I saw a figure step out and gaze his eyes in my direction.

That figure was my brother!!

I hadn't noticed the elevator ding open and I jumped in and pressed a random button, hoping the door would close fast enough that my brother wouldn't notice me here. The elevator doors shut with a slam and it shook violently before rising.

Why did my father invite my brother? Didn't he know that my brother worked for my mother! My father absolutely detested my mother. What was going on? Did no one think to tell me 'HE' was going to be here. I would of totally ditched this whole meeting.

I thought that maybe I could ditch this place after all. However too many people saw me here already. I couldn't erase there memory. Maybe I could bribe them. Bribing was my forte. That and persuading. You'd be surprised at how many people would do anything for me when I tried on my 'seductive' act. My mother told me long ago.

"Beauty is on the outside. And when people believe you're beautiful. They will believe anything you tell them."

I quickly dismissed that plan. Not all my fathers employees could be persuaded that easily.

The elevator door dinged open and I walked out. I was on the tenth floor. I was glad I didn't press number 16 accidentally. The elevator doors opened up right to the meeting room. There was no chance of escape there.

I strolled through the halls, using my hand to cover my face when people walked past. I stumbled a few times and cursed. I didn't need to attract attention now of all times.

I started to shuffle quicker and I began to weave around the workers with ease and grace. This boosted my ego just a bit. I felt awesome. And no one caught on that my fathers son aka me, was right next to them.

When everything fell to pieces.

I tripped over my own foot and was sent flying across the room. I landed on the ground right by someone's shoes. Italian leather. I nodded in approval. This person knew how to pick good shoes. My eyes lifted up so that I saw who's body the shoes belonged to. I had to see who it was.

"Sting Eucliffe." The figure announced before I got a look at his face. His voice however was enough for me to realise who it was.

"Hello brother..." I laughed sheepishly as I got up. I rubbed the back of my head in shame as I didn't dare look him in the eye. I noticed people had started to whisper between one another about our sudden arrival on the wrong floor.

"You're not my brother." When did he become so stoic and emotionless? I smiled wryly up at him as I finally had the nerve to stare at his face.

His burgundy hair had grown out so his bangs covered his eyebrows. His hair wassticking out in weird directions. He got that trait from grandpa Natsu. His tanned skin looked so different from my fair one. His ominous purple eyes looked cold and were filled with hatred towards me. He wore a designer suit and held some shades in one hand and a phone in the other.

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