Tasteful Touches

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Wiping away the tears, I got up and trudged towards the door. Who could be here at a time like this. I didn't want to talk to anybody right now.

As I opened the door, a whiff of something aromatic caught my nose. The fragrance was divine. Addictive almost. I could live of this sensational aroma.

Blonde hair. That was the first thing my mind comprehended and took in. Then I noticed everything else.

The small dimple that appeared on his upper lip as he smiled. The scar that crossed his eyebrow. The flawless skin. His gold hair sticking out in every and all directions. A silver earring that hung from his ear. The top button of his shirt undone, causing a blush to flame on my cheeks.

His eyes.

Those abnormally breathtaking hues of blue. Swirling oceans lay in those orbs that my mind couldn't apprehend. Something perplexing for someone like me. How could something be so beautiful.

I loved his eyes.

"Yo, earth to Rogue." Sting waved his hand in my face breaking my trance. My eyes drifted away from his face and down to the ground. Everything about what he was wearing was formal, so why was he wearing Converses. "Can I come in?" He asked. My eyes shot up and I shuffled out of the way allowing him to come in.

"The place still looks as good as ever. Grandpa told me you clean it yourself. You know the maids that work here, work here for a reason. If you do the cleaning, they won't have any work to do." Sting said optimistically. I caught on quickly that he didn't want it to be awkward.

I grabbed my new phone from the counter and typed something.

Rogue: I clean when I am bored. Also thank you for phone again

Sting grinned at me after he read the message. He strolled over to the sofa and flopped down onto it. I didn't move from where I was standing.

That's until Sting stood up and walked towards me, smiling his spectacular smile, though at the time it was a grin. His hand brushed against mine before clasping it gently. Sting then pulled me along, his hand delicately weaved around my own.

My mind shut down the second Sting was a metre away from me. Now that Sting was holding my hand, my soul had already left my body and was floating up to heaven.

Sting sat down on the sofa and sat me right next to him. There wasn't space between us at all. He tenderly looked at me as his hands took my own and pried at my phone- that was getting squashed in between my iron grip- I finally let go of the phone. My eyes plastered on Stings face the whole time. Never glancing away for fear that it would all go away. I pinched my arm, and it hurt.

"You have pretty eyes. They're a pretty shade of red!" Sting said slowly withdrawing his hands. My mind didn't fathom the compliment instead I inwardly yearned for his touch. Why did he have to let go so soon.

I blushed after finally hearing the compliment.

I thought I was going crazy because I thought Sting was getting closer.

"Can I take a closer look at your eyes?" I nodded. Sting placed one hand on my lap and placed the other on my face. Sting leaned in and began to analyse my eyes. A small smile creeped up on his lips as he began to stare deeper into my eyes.

I didn't know what the sensation was however it was indescribable phenomena. I wanted Sting to close the gap... Why couldn't he touch me more....

Suddenly Sting removed both hands from me and moved away. Even further than before. A large gap was left between us. I was susceptible to any pain. Sting sudden gesture was enough to leave a deep mark in my heart.

Of course he'd move back. Sting had Lucy, why could he kiss me? Why would he touch me?

"I-Im s-sorry.. I didn't m-mean... A-anything... By it..." Sting stuttered his voice getting quieter as he spoke. He looked away sadly although I faintly saw a pink blush dusting his cheeks.

I grabbed my phone and typed something.

Rogue: since you got here you seemed sad what's wrong?

Stings eyes widened as he read.

"Family problems... Maybe one day I'll tell you. I've never told anyone about it. You'll be the first!" His usual smile appeared but it seemed strained.

Rogue: even Lucy?

I had no idea why I typed that. Maybe jealously possessed my fingers and typed it. But once he read it he nodded. Was it wrong that felt happy at that moment?

Rogue: don't smile if you don't want to. i can see it's fake

Stings fake smile dropped almost suddenly. Faster than I would of anticipated. I frowned.

He immediately got up and excused himself before I could stop him. 

As he shut the door I stared at it.

I smiled. He was shocked that someone could read him easily. I was glad I was the one who picked it up, or else he would smile like that forever.

I wanted Sting to smile a genuine smile.

If I was lucky, maybe to me.

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