This Feeling?

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I fiddled uncomfortably with the hem of Stings shirt. For some profound reason it felt bizarre to wear Stings clothes. I smiled inwardly for some unknown reason.

Why did I feel this way?

Sting grabbed my arm and I flushed furiously. My heart sped up to an speed faster that light. My stomach was doing the samba and my hand clawed at my chest. My breathing was hitched. Sting looked back and smiled worriedly.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

Should I faint? Or jump into his arms?

My eyebrows scrunched together as I was repulsed by my own thoughts. His blue orbs looked at me concerned and his hand reached over and placed themselves gently on my shoulder. His lip slightly pouted and quivered. Jumping into his arms felt like a real good idea now! I stiffly nodded at him and gestured with my arm that we should walk on. He looked away sadly and I would of considered slapping myself; from my own foolishness. I tapped his shoulder and smiled contentedly at him and he grinned in response.

We strolled to the desk and the desk clerk looked up.

He was an old man. He had coral pink hair that was lightened and streaked with white strands of hair from old age. He's eyes, chocolate brown; crinkled as his mouth formed a huge grin exposing his platinum white teeth. He hardly had any wrinkles even though he looked quite old. He wore a pure black suit and a stripped red tie that he adjusted around his fragile neck.

"Why does the owner of the greatest hotel work as the desk guy." Sting asked inquisitively however I was almost certain that I heard a hint of sarcasm to his tone of voice. The old mans grin widened as he began to shake with laughter. It wasn't a horrible laugh. Instead it made most of the workers stop and smile as the old man started filling with joy. It made one feel fuzzy and warm on the inside and soon later everyone joined in with him including Sting.

"Sting, you little rascal." He desperately tried to regain his former composure although his laughter was hard to contain. "I work as a desk clerk! Not the desk guy. The reason being is that I enjoy seeing the faces of those who come to enjoy the hospitality and luxury of my hotel. It makes my day." He continued. His eyes glazed over and adjusted themselves on me. He warmly smiled and nodded out of politeness. "And who may you be, young man?" He asked.

"Oh, that's Rogue, gramps. He doesn't talk much but he's nice." I smiled at the old man who I assumed now was Stings grandfather.

So everyone was rich in his family. Geez.

"I see. Well it's a pleasure to meet you Mr Rogue." He turned his head back to Sting and continued what he was saying. "So, let me predict this much, you want him to stay here?" He asked raising a crooked eyebrow at Sting. Sting grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. The old man shook his head and sighed. "You are too easy to read. When you take over your fathers company, well let me say- that other businessmen will read you as easy as a book." Sting sweat dropped and I looked away sadly. Not everyone could read.

I looked over at a metal plate with a sentence inscribed on it. I squinted my eyes and carefully tried to make out every letter.

L-A-V-A-T-O-R-Y. How's that pronounced. LAA-VAAA-TOO-RYYY? I assumed so. But what on earth was a lavatory?

"It's a fancy name for toilet." Sting whispered in to my ear as his grandpa had turned around to get a room key.

I shivered slightly as his breath trailed down my neck. A crimson blush painted my cheeks. My eyes slowly glanced over to him and I gazed up to look at him. He was staring at the old man and his face had a blank expression which meant he didn't know I was analysing his face. He really did have a beautiful face. I smiled at him and sighed. As if I, Rogue the poor kid, could have the rich and famous Sting Eucliffe!

The old man cleared his throat and I was shaken from my fantasy. I looked over to him as a smirk fastened itself on his lips. He passed me the keys. "Room 305." He said and Sting walked towards the elevator.
"You could have him if ya tried, squirt." He whispered into me ear and with a wink he left, walking towards his office. My face was inflamed with a hot red blush. I had no idea what he was talikg about. He was basically implying that I liked Sting. What a preposterous notion indeed.

Once the elevator dinged open to the third floor. Sting and I strolled towards the hallway and explored and searched for room 305. It wasn't that far and once we found it, Sting clicked open the door and shoved the door forward.

And once again my jaw scrapped the floor! I should win a record for how many times I'm shocked by things like this. Seriously, I thought id be used to it now!

White: was an understatement.

Pure leather sofas were lounging against the left side of the room. White. The two 50 inch flat screen TVs were cabled on opposite walls. White again. A chandelier hung from the ceiling. The diamonds hanging from it reflected the light creating a kaleidoscope of colours to be formed if you looked at it. So not exactly white. The floor was tiled with glossy 'white' tiles, that were so clean and clear that they reflected my whole entire body. I strolled to the kitchen and again everything from the fridge to the garbage bin was white. I made my way to the toilet and made sure I watched my step because the floor was probably waxed and I didn't want to slip. What colour do you think it was? White of course.

That's when my eyes caught to grand double doors and I walked quite quickly towards them. I pushed open the two doors and I didn't see white. The king sized bed was covered in a flowery green pattern that looked stupendous. The heavy and think curtains were quite exotic since they had purple and orange swirled together. The brown oak wardrobe stood high and mighty and I was sure that I was never going to make it full.

Beyond the curtains, I saw a balcony and I made my way towards it. I stood at the balcony, holding the handle as the wind rushed through my hair. I shivered as my arms wrapped themselves around my small torso. I smiled as I looked up to the moon. Tonight it radiated so much light. It illuminated the whole world. I wondered if it was because it was happy. There was not a cloud in the sky and the stars danced and twirled in the sky. My smile grew wider. The city roared and laughed with joy. It looked up at me as I glazed down at it.

"Liking the view?" Asked Sting, interrupting my thoughts. I stared at him as he sat on the edge of my bed. I nodded at him. I looked back and grinned.

Grandpa Gray would of loved this.

*Sorry I didn't update in so long. It's now holidays and when it was school I had no time. It was exam weeks. Which was horrible. So Gomenesai!!
Btw what do you think of Stings grandpa?*

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