Forged Simplicity

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"Come on... Come on." Sting fingers intertwined with mine. My heart leaping out of my chest I grabbed my phone and shoved it into my pocket.

I had typed and asked Sting where we were going for the past ten minutes but apparently it was a surprise. A real surprise since Sting kept forcing a gleeful smile. The hurt was so obvious in his eyes though.

He pulled me into the lift and the ear piercing elevator music started up. I didn't even want to guess who was singing the out of tune lyrics.

Wasn't this a five star hotel?

Once the door tinged open Sting continued to drag me, (not that I minded. I was holding Sting Eucliffes hand. If I was anything it would be ecstatic). We rushed through the doors and Sting being Sting ran through a road full of cars- who fortunately were stuck in traffic- and yanked me to the other side of the road.

To Silver Ice Park.

"I want you to meet someone-" He got quite all of a sudden. His eyes frantically scanned the area and he began to purse his lips. He let go of my hand and walked a few steps forward.

"Where's he gone?" He whispered. He continued walking as a typed a few words. I tried jogging to keep up with him and wave what I had written in front is his face. Unfortunately he was oblivious to the fact I was there.

Rogue: who?

"Huh!" He finally plopped down onto a bench and sighed. 'What a kid'. Finally he looked up and read what was written on the phone shoved in front of his face. "Oh, remember the old man I told you about... Yeah... He's not here."

Rogue: it's okay. i can meet him another time.

Stings eyes glazed over towards me.

Sapphire was a spectacular.

"I really wanted you to meet him. He reminded me of Grandpa and you love Grandpa Natsu. He's the complete opposite of Grandpa Natsu. Funny right?" Sting chuckled before sighing once more.

Rogue: i said something like that to mr natsu. said he was like my grandpa. he became sad. i dont know why. :'(


We sat in silence for another few minutes. It wasn't awkward. But I was certain Sting had forgotten I was even there. Even though I loved him, I didn't really know much about him. Was I even truly in love or was it pathetic infatuation?

"I ruined my family." He spoke up. I heard him. I was startled at first, Sting was someone who hid and lied quite often. For he feared something would happen. For the first time in a while, I heard him say something honest about himself. However it wasn't anything good.

"That's why I wanted you to meet him. That foolish old man could forget anything bad thats happened to him anytime. Me? I have to live with the fact my own naïvety, my own stupidity, forced my 'happy little family' to be... 'Not so happy'. What's wrong with me?"

And he began to cry. He began to tell me everything that happened that day where a innocent game of Hide and Seek could destroy bonds in a family. Trust in a family. Love in a family. All lost because of one simple game.

Life truly was cruel to the innocent. It ripped it out of them slowly and painfully because of something simple. Because of one mistake.

"... And then I met you, Ryos. You were there that day and you stopped me from crying. You helped me. I'm so sorry I forgot about you. I'm sorry that I'm such a mess. I even hurt Lucy. I'm so stupid. God, I hate myself."

And I simply wrapped my arms around him. I knew I couldn't say soothing words of comfort. But somehow stroking his back slowly calmed him down. He finally pulled away and apologised.

Rogue: hey, we are both messes.

"But you're a hot mess." Sting replied. His hand shot up and wrapped around his mouth and crimson painted his cheeks.

"H-hey Rogue..." I turned my head after I was certain I was no longer blushing. "Want to go.... S... S-somewhereee.... W-w-with... M-me?"

Rogue: like a date?

Why did I ask that? I'm so stupid-

"Yeah!" He smiled sheepishly whilst rubbing the back of his head.

And I nodded.

Today Sting Eucliffe told me everything. Everything about how he felt. How he lived with his life.

Today Sting Eucliffe asked me out on a date....

(And I have zero experience dating... So what do I wear!?!?!)


A/N: to apologise for not updating. 

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