Pointless Existence

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I must be a genuine fool.

How could I contemplate the notion that Sting could love me?

He's something I can never have.
He's happy anyway, with Lucy. I'm just something he found on the streets, literally. I'm nothing significant. The way he touches her. His affection for her. The way he kisses her. He didn't even notice me when I 'accidentally' walked in.

If he found out the way I felt towards him.

He'd be disgusted. His repulse would be enough to break me again. His sapphire eyes would be smeared with a aura of hatred.

Why do I feel this way towards him? It's unhealthy. It's not normal. Why am I like this.

Is there someone up there laughing at my pathetic life?


I dragged my feet down the bustling street as I trudged towards RavenTail. My previous home. I didn't think that me being sentimental now was a good idea. Besides, this place had brought me nothing but pain and anguish. Tears streamed down my face and people averted there eyes when they saw the agony painted on my face.

I ran towards a alleyway. 'The alleyway'. (The one where I used to get the drugs). I slid my back down the wall and as I sat in this dismal and damp city. I look up to see a reclusive moon and bleak stars. The walls towering over me like a cage, for a freak like me.

I wish I could recall what happened next better. Although I presume it went something like this:
A giant for a man wearing a long trench coat and a fedora came at me. He slowly strolled towards me taking his time and pulling out a knife. I just stared at him as he stabbed my leg to keep me down. He stole my money and my designer watch. Then stabbed me again in the abdomen.

My blank eyes covered by my bangs just glazed at the sky; the boring sky as blood dripped down.

Where's my light now? I choked a bitter laugh as wondered how this could be enough to kill me.

A blur of yellow was coming towards me. I didn't want this 'thing' to help me. I wanted to die here and now.

It intertwined 'it's' fingers with my own. The other hand slowly caressed my face. My eyes, half open turned to look at this 'creature' who was showing me kindness. 'It' wrapped 'his' arms around me and kept repeating "it was going to be okay". 'He' pulled away and held my face inches way from 'it's' own, staring at my bloodshot eyes. He removed my fringe away from my eye so 'he' could see both eyes and I could see 'his'.

I love the colour sapphire.

Three weeks later:


What was he doing here?

"Gajeel is my fathers head of security. Did you know him?" Sting said.
"Yeah. Rogue and I knew each other back when we lived in RavenTail. I... left him though." His voice got quieter as he spoke now almost a whisper.
I waddled over to him with my injured leg still agonising and I gave him a bear hug. He of course nearly broke my ribs when he hugged me back. "Well he's gonna teach you to fight so you don't get stabbed again." Sting exclaimed too cheerily.


I had just left the hospital but I was forced to stay another two weeks because of my psychological state was a real problem. So a total of three weeks wasted. Sting visited everyday after school and stayed with me during weekends. He was always with me when the psychiatrist spoke to me and held my hand and hugged me quite frequently. Which wasn't all that bad!

However sometimes he bought Lucy with him and on those days he showed me no signs of affection. He even had the nerve to kiss her right in front of me. Which caused me to have a mental breakdown after he left. But soon later I left the hospital and here I am in a dojo.

"You'll be working for me now!" Sting said slyly.

'Great' I thought.


Gajeel over the the course of a few weeks taught me various fighting techniques such as kick boxing, judo and karate. Of course I hadn't mastered them all but I knew the basics and a bit more.

"Rogue you got to stay on your toes and anticipate your opponents next move. Don't let them distract you." And with that said he slide tackled me and I dropped on my back.

"Stop beating up kids Gajeel-san."
A voice I hadn't heard before said. I looked up to see a stereotypical punk dude. He had black hair and purple highlights on his fringe. He had blue beads in his hair which made him look weird. He wore a t-shirt with the words 'Nirvana' written on them. Was that a band or something? He wore boots and grey jeans. He pulled off his headphones and gave me a small smile.

"Hey. The names Midnight."

A/N: I wasn't going to call midnight by his real name which is Macbeth. Stupidest name ever.

Anyways how did you like the chapter? Kinda sad right?

Btw. Thanks for the 1K. Gracias dudes and dudettes!!

Also GAJEEL IS HERE. Which is amazing.
And StiCy is stupid!

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