Sinful Nights

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...It was night in Magnolia...

The once silver moon, hung in the night sky, bleak and sickly. It no longer radiated a brilliant, lustrous beam of light. It was slowly dying. It's radiance dimming. The stars hid behind the clouds for they feared the sight of sins that mankind had committed and they thought that we no longer deserved the gift of gazing at the heavens. The dreary clouds were resting in the sky, glaring down at us as if they were scolding us and it looked as though they were giving us disapproving looks and frowns.

The city however was illuminating the world and the lights danced through the roads. People were blinded by the blaze and they squinted there eyes. The skyscrapers towered over the city and there heads reached the clouds and it was as though they were walls protecting us from our fears. The streets were bustling with people, shoving and pushing each othr, rushing to there homes and loved ones. The roads were roaring with engines of vehicles that were animals growling and a look of consternation flashed the drivers darkened faces. The city laughed in delight as it's residents walked across it, for it is their home no matter how disastrous and immoral it's concealed secrets were.

In a dismal, dark and dejected alley way stood a boy. The rain shot down at him like bullets fired from a gun. He pulled his hoody over his head as he waited. The floors was chipped and cracked; the alley way was abandoned and only the lawless came here. A small lamp hung from the top of the alley and it flickered in and out like a firefly about to cross the Styx.

He taped his feet as he waited impatiently. He was waiting for three hours now. He didn't mind waiting for a while but this was outrageous. He pushed his back to the wall and slid down and pushed his knees to his face.

"Oi. I'm here. Sorry I'm late." A man said approaching. He didn't seem sorry. "Do you have my money?" He asked.

Rogue shoved his hand in his pocket, pulling out some notes and passing them to the man. The man responded by giving Rogue a small bag full of white powder and then stalked off.

Rogue sat down and pulled out a straw. He stuck one end towards his nose and the other towards the white powder. He then started snorting in and sniffing the powder, occasionally stopping to feel the sensation of the drug.

Once he was done, the world became hazy and his eyes blurred. He remembered standing up and walking in into a club. He vaguely recalled alcohol in one hand and a girls tongue in his mouth. He remembered her pulling him somewhere but that's where his memory stopped.

He woke up the next morning on hangover, with two girls beside him in a bed. He groaned and picked himself up, quickly dressed himself and left the girls.

He walked out and the light hit his eyes and he was temporarily blinded. He bought out his cup and started shaking it in peoples faces. Not saying one word. Hoping that his face of dread was enough for people to pity him and give him a few coins. Rogue never spoke. He couldn't. What was the point?

After collecting a few coins. He walked in into a store and bought a sandwich. He opened the packet and started munching contentedly on the beautiful creation called food. People like you don't cherish food but if you ever lived without it, you'll start treasuring it. Every single bite.

He looked up into the sky and stared at the sun, wondering why something wasn't brightening up his life the way the sun was brightening up the world.

A/N: Guys, my first chapter. To @KharmaNash3 since she's was the first to look at my story and comment

And don't do drugs. Just don't. Please. It's bad. And stupid to do.

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