Chapter One - Brothers?

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                       ^ Aria 15

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                       ^ Aria 15

"Aria?! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" my mum screamed from the top of her lungs. My mum and dad are strict but whose parents aren't. I ran downstairs and quickly prepared my parents breakfast. They hovered over my shoulder breathing down my neck watching closely as I flipped the pancakes. "Hurry up!" My father demanded while the anger bubbles up inside of him. "Yes sir" I mumbled. "Louder when I am talking to you bitch!" "I am sorry!" I snapped and he grabbed my wrist tight and threw me to the ground causing me to hit my head on the table. "Dan! She has school! Now is not the time. You can punish her when she gets home okay?!" My mother screamed and part of me was relieved that I was free but I also knew what was coming when I got home.

I ran out of the door while my mother screamed for me to get back but I couldn't risk being late to school again. My parents would literally kill me if I got another detention but hey at least I would get a few hours to think without someone screaming at me over the stupidest shit.


I arrived at my registration class just before the bell was about to go and the whole class cheered as I walked into the class "OMG! FOR ONCE SHE ISNT LATE" this bitch called Kate yelled meanwhile everyone burst out into laughter. After the teacher took the register I started walking to math until Daniel pulled me into the janitor closet. "Hey sweetheart, Going somewhere without my morning kiss" as he pressed his lips onto mine "of course, not babes. I've got to go" as I reached for the handle to leave and he grabbed my neck and pushed me against the door. "What's the matter with you. Stop pushing me away" He aggressively whispered into my ear. "I am s...o...r...r...y" I whimpered as he let go and kissed me on the cheek and opened the door to let me leave. As I left I heard a voice on the school intercom Aria Steveson's the principal would like you to go to his office.

I arrived at the office and I saw 2 police officers looking at me with tears in their eyes."Hiya sweetie, please sit down because we need to talk" 

"Unfortunately, when your parents were heading to work they hit a lorry and couldn't be resurrected therefore are now in a better place." the male officer said. My whole body went numb. I didn't think it was possible to feel numb. Why wasn't I crying? Why was I relieved? Something must be wrong with me. A knock on the door made me jump and I saw a woman rush in and walk over to me."Hiya, so you need to come with me" I looked at the woman as she had gone mad. Bitch I ain't going anywhere you. "Oh shit! I can see by your face I should probably introduce myself. Well my name is Klara and I am your social worker and you have a flight to catch. Your brothers have agreed to take you in." 

Brothers?! Brothers? Mam am I hearing things?! I don't have brothers. What the hell is wrong with this crazy bitch. "I don't have any brothers. I am an only child" "Well you do now so come on" As she reached for my wrist and pulled me outta my seat like the crazy bitch she is. Most days I think I am crazy but hell this lady is a whole new level of craziness. I probably shouldn't be following her but fuck it. Where else am I supposed to go? The moon? Better go build myself a spaceship.

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