Chapter Twenty - Snitches get stiches

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One of our warehouses was attacked by the English Mafia, and many of our men were shot or injured.

I had gotten word from one of our people that a woman could identify one who attacked our warehouse. So here she is, sitting in my car and giving me directions to one of the safe houses he is hopefully alone and hiding in.

I didn't want to inform anyone else because we have a mole in our Mafia.

Note to self: discover how she knew the enemy and his location.

"Take the right here," the woman called Maria instructed me.

"So, what house is it?" I ask

"Right there" She points to an empty house with no sign of anyone living there.

I parked the car outside the driveway.

I parked the car outside the driveway

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"Wait here," I instructed her while getting out with my guns in my hand. Against my orders, she got out and pulled out her gun from her waistband.

Hot. Stop it, Enzo. I am her boss, I think?

"What are you doing? I told you to stay in the car." I whisper yell at her.

"Yes, Capo, but since I am your only backup, I am coming", she undermines me.

"Don't die on me, Princess," I smirk.

"Not a princess. I handle myself." She smirks back at me with a hint of anger radiating through her voice.

"Right, you take the back. I'll take the front," I order with a firmer and more demanding tone this time. Surprisingly she listens to my orders.

I walk towards the front door and listen for any noise in the house. As I suspected, only a single cigarette bud on the ground had only been recently lit.

I check the door. The door was unlocked. I slowly open the door with a firm grip on my gun, aiming at whatever comes towards me.

I step inside. A man attacks me from behind. He has a gun to my head. He whispers in my ear don't move, "Where's the bitch you were with?" He whispered, pressing the gun harder and firming to my head.

"What, girl?" I ask, confused. I throw him over my shoulder onto the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand. Just in time, Maria shoots him in the leg while he is about to hit the ground with a blunt force.

"Nice work"

"I could say the same thing to you, Capo." she emphasises the word 'Capo' almost seductively.

Damn, what is she doing to me?

"I am going to check the place out. Stay with him. Please do not kill him. I have plans for him." I tell her.

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