Chapter Twenty three - Surprise Bitches

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Alessandro was currently sitting with the twins in the living room and lecturing them. He had decided already he was going to take away their car keys for a month before he could let the excuses come out of their mouths.

The twins sat slumped down on the couch nodding obediently to every word coming out of Alessandro's mouth without fully acknowledging a word he was saying. Gabriele just wanted the lecture to stop before they died officially of boredom. Matteo was too busy caught up in his head. He kept thinking about Aria and her friend. He knew he couldn't stop boys from going near her but he desperately wished he could. He lived in fear through his whole childhood that Gabriele would get beaten constantly because of their gender identity. He was scared because he couldn't protect her again. He felt this constant pressure of being responsible for his siblings. Deep down he acted like he didn't care about his family but the reality was he cared the most. He would die for everyone in his family in a heartbeat.

Alessandro on the other hand thought how easily Aria could've gotten hurt and it would be his fault again. He knew he was responsible for Aria as well as his brothers. When their father died, he gave up on Aria. He was scared he would give up on her even when they lived in the same house this time.

Alessandro couldn't control the world, but he tried his best. Deep down it was killing him inside. He hated not being in control. He was physically and mentally exhausted. Most days he couldn't sleep because he constantly felt the world was crashing around him. He felt the world betrayed him in many ways. He craved love and security but the universe provided other plans for him that were outwith of his reach.

"Do you understand?" he finished his lecture.

"Yes," they say simultaneously.

"Hand over your keys" They both nodded while reaching into their pockets and placing their keys in his palms. Once they surrendered their keys to the eldest brother Matteo tries to follow his twin out of the room. Alessandro stops him "I want to talk to you alone" he turns on the tv. He starts screening his phone onto the tv while Matteo slumps back down into the seat he was recently in.

Matteo watches a video pull up on the screen. His eyes widen as he sees what the video is showing. The video shows Matteo driving recklessly. Swerving around each corner and ignoring every single traffic light in his view. Multiple crashes occurred that night because they were avoiding Matteo's car while ignoring any other danger in front of them. Alessandro tells him to keep watching which Matteo does. Matteo feels tears attempting to seek through. He kept telling himself to stay strong but after so long. All the feelings and pain have to come out. Whether he wanted it to or not. Feelings are too strong that it's almost impossible to keep inside for as long as he did.

After the video finished, Alessandro turned towards Matteo and took a seat next to him. They sat apart awkwardly. Trying to respect Matteo's personal space.

"Do you want to talk about what happened there?" he sighs. Matteo stays silent. Alessandro nods "Well, I think somebody was in a bad place. I didn't think about how his actions could have hurt him" Matteo looks up helplessly at his big brother. Tears drip from Matteo's face. Alessandro practically throws himself closer to his little brother who was currently balling his eyes out. The big bad mafia boss wrapped his arm around his baby brother's shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. The oldest brother has never seen Matteo be this vulnerable maybe when he was younger but he closed himself off and replaced it with anger and humor. Now Matteo's walls came crashing down, and it was because of the return of their missing sister aka their missing piece.

"It's okay, Bambino. Promise me never to drive when you're in a bad place. Can you tell me why?" he wiped the fallen tears from the young boy's eyes.

"Aria, we failed her. My friend Jax called her hot and the thought of another guy going near her just makes me so angry. What if I can't protect her like I couldn't before?" the youngest brother poured his heart out with panic and worry flooding his fragile heart.

"You're putting so much pressure on yourself. What would you say if It was Gabriel telling you this how they felt?" he tried rationalizing with his inconsolable brother who soaked the oldest brother with his tear.

"I would tell them It wasn't their fault and all we can do is protect her the best we can" he replied and taking a massive breath of relief as if all the weight had been lifted off his shoulder. As much as he hated admitting but his oldest brother was right. Everyone puts too much pressure on themselves but wouldn't put that much pressure on a different person.

"So why aren't you telling yourself the same thing" he spoke gently and tightened the hug.

They lay there in silence being comforted by each other's company and remembering they aren't alone in this cruel world. Siblings are the only people who can relate to your childhood and can relate to the same pain you share.

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