Chapter Nineteen- Alone

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I woke up in my bed. All of my memories of last night came flooding into my mind. My brothers are killers. Did they drug me? What kind of family does that? Oh, wait the mafia kind.

Just as I was about to get up a knock comes at my door. Wait, my door is back? What?

"Come in," I hesitantly reply. Matteo walks in with some pancakes and apple juice on a tray.

"Eh, thought you might be hungry" he cautiously walks closer to me but still leaves a good amount of space between us. He places the tray on the dressers and walks back to the door to leave.

"Am I grounded?" I ask. He turns around startled.

"No way, If you need anything let me know."

"Okay," I reply awkwardly.

He then leaves. That was weird. I decided to go for a shower and brush it off.

What am I supposed to do now? Do I go downstairs? Do they want to talk about last night?

Urgh, I hate being drugged it just makes everything so much damn harder.

It was currently 10 am so my older brothers will have left for work. It will just be me and the twins today so hopefully, it might make things a little easier.

How bad can today possibly get?

I decided to leave my room and sneak to the cellar. I brought up a hairpin to unlock the door. I crept carefully to make sure none of my brothers are there or their goons.

I kept walking and found Derek lying on the floor in a cell. He was barely conscious and had a stab wound on his left leg that has been bandaged up and multiple cuts over his body. My family did a number on him.

I crept up to him and tapped his shoulder gently. He flinched in fear but calmed down when he saw it was only me.

I sat down beside him and gave him the breakfast that Matteo gave to me. He thanked me and quickly ate the food.

"When was the last time you ate?" I reluctantly asked. He looked down barely making eye contact with me.

"Alessandro came down and gave me some bread and Andrea wrapped and disinfected my wounds."

"The wounds they caused?" I sighed mournfully.


"I am sorry. I am going to get you out of here. They are not hurting you on my watch. I'll be back later. I have got a plan."

"Thank you again," he cried involuntarily and frantically grabbed my hand, and his eyes were pleading desperately for me to stay.

I hesitantly walked away and gave him a fake smile. I walked back into my room. 

I texted Mario who I spoke to the other night at the business deal yesterday. We got on quite well and he seemed like he knew about the mafia by the fact I realised he spoke Italian and could understand what my brothers and his parents were talking about.


Hey, it's Aria.


Hey, what's up?


So how much involved are you in with your parents 

 and my brothers business?


Well, considering I help them out with it then a lot.


Can you tell me about it? 

My brothers are keeping me in the dark

 despite me finding out some things.


What did you find out?

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