Chapter Fourteen - Rage Room

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I avoided classes all day to hang out with Derek. I decided on texting Zoe but she ignored my text and left me on read. I wish I could help her but it's obvious she doesn't need me.

I looked up at my text and got excited thinking it was Zoe but it was actually Enzo. He was telling us he is picking us all up and Matteo is to just leave his car behind in the school carpark.

I didn't think much about it probably because Matteo is a shite driver and theirs only so much singing a girl can take before she snaps.

Once we got in the car Enzo didn't say much and just said he was taking us all out for a few hours.


It's not like Enzo to pick us up so something must've happened. if Aria wasn't here then he would have told us but since she doesn't know about the mafia means we can't even ask.

So far she is just excited about where we are going. I assume she is very happy that she doesn't have to do her homework with Ales. 

I remember when Ales once sat with Matteo for the whole of school because he kept getting into fights. It was so embarrassing for both of us but mainly Matteo because I got to stay far away. Since he is my twin everyone knew my big brother was here. Every so often he would see me in the corridor and embarrass me.

I could've slapped Matteo that week. Yes, it lasted a whole fucking week.

Every single class I was stuck with my two annoying brothers while Enzo handled the Mafia meanwhile Andrea was at University studying Medicine. He is slowly getting there but our family business gets in the way despite him only wanting to be a doctor because of the mafia in case one of us gets injured which Aria already did but Andrea was in shock and froze under the pressure.

 He was prepared mentally if one of his brothers got injured as expected to happen at some point but not our baby sister we just got back in our lives.


I knew something was up as soon Enzo texted saying he was picking us up. it was very clear he didn't want us to go home and he was hiding something. I looked at Gabriele in the backseat and I could tell he was thinking the exact same thing. Twin telepathy at its finest. 

"Enzo, cosa sta succedendo? Chiaramente non vuoi entrare in casa" I broke the silence and I saw him tighten his grip on the steering wheel.

Translation: "Enzo, what's going on? You clearly don't want in the house"

"Niente di cui preoccuparsi. Andrea se ne sta occupando" he huffed and tried to ignore me.

Translation: "Nothing for you to worry about. Andrea is handling it"

"Gestire cosa?" I snapped at him.

Translation: "Handling what?"

"Ok, te lo dico, ma tieni la bocca chiusa. Ales è ubricaco è non è giusto stato d'animo e sto cercando di tenerlo lontano da tutti voi finché non è sobrio" he sighed and gave in. Ha solo detto alcune cose. Portrebbe turbarla, ma non c'è niente di cui preoccuparsi. Si odia e si sente in colpa e sono preoccupato di come reagirà a quello che potrebbe dirle"

Translation: "Okay, I'll tell you but you keep your mouth shut. Ales is drunk and isn't in the right state of mind and I'm trying to keep him away from you all till he is sobered up. He just said some things. It could upset her but it's nothing to worry about. He hates himself and is feeling guilty. I'm worried how she'll react to what he could tell her"

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