Chapter Thirteen - Feelings?

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The weekend was alright but as you know it has to end sometime but at least I get to see my friends and some friends more than others.

I managed to convince Alessandro to let me sit with my friends at lunch but of course, I still have to do my homework In his office *cue eye roll*

So eventually, lunch came, and I sat in between Zoe and Mona while the rest of the girls sat opposite us. The boys sat at the table next to us. I don't know exactly why though despite all of us being friends and them all hanging out with each other outside of school.

"So, what did everyone do this weekend? Riley asked but specifically looking at me intensely.

I don't know what's up with her, but she has been suspicious around me. I don't know what she thinks I am hiding but the whole situation is a little odd.

I decided to bite the bullet and open my mouth "I went out with one of my brothers and went swimming and then to an old American diner which was pretty sweet and fun."

"Aww, that's nice" Riley, sips her drink slowly eying me suspiciously.

"What brother?" May gasped in excitement and Zara rolled her eyes at her and slapped her on the arm "Stop it! It's her brothers you hoe."

"Okay, okay, but will you quit hitting me?"

"When you stop drooling?" she playfully slaps May again. Suddenly Zara finds herself pushed off her seat huffing and crossing her arms at May's brutal attack.

I turned my head towards Zoe who was just quietly sitting ignoring her friend's antics. One thing I noticed about her is that is shy compared to her friends who are constantly giving me a migraine.

"So, how was your weekend Zoe?" I asked causing her to lift her head from her phone. She looked at me, and I think I almost drowned in her gaze.

"It was alright I guess. I chilled with my baby sister."

"Aww, what's your little sister's name?"

"Her name is Franny and she is five so I was stuck watching Frozen a million times."

"You must be a pretty good sister if you can handle that," I laughed. Slowly Zoe lost interest and went back on her phone.

I kept trying to have a conversation with her, but she didn't seem that to be into it.

"Aria, so any boyfriends or an ex maybe"

Before I could answer the boys overhead our conversation and Noah yelled at us "Hey, it's rude to talk about us behind our backs"

"Fuck off Noah, I wouldn't even go near your little dick with a ten-feet pole"

"Wow, Mona that hurt" he dramatically places his hand on his heart while all the other boys snigger.

"Is something going on between you two Mona?

"What? No"

"Are you sure?" I give her a 'yeah right I believe you' look.

Before she could say anything Noah opens his mouth "Mona, you know you want me" he gives her a smug look and stands up and they walk towards each other. 

Mona has an evil grin on her lips and runs her fingers seductively down Noah's non-existent muscular arms. Suddenly, she kicks him where the sun doesn't shine and he is crouched down on the ground. "Now that's the closest your gonna get to a girl touching junior," she laughed, and he got up and reached towards the table and grabs something.

"Now you've done it," he laughs, and ketchup squirts on her white skirt."

"Now that explains why your so moody today" quickly he realises what he has done and fear runs through his eyes.

She then tells him to run. The boys give him a nod encouraging him to run. Soon everyone is running after them all while Noah is getting chased by a very pissed off Mona.

"Is this the normal around here?" I ask Zoe who continues sitting on her phone at the table ignoring the drama around her. She grunts."Yes" then proceeds to go back on her phone staring at it intensely.

"Hey, we okay?" I ask and she just nods.

"Are you okay?" I ask cautiously. She doesn't nod or say anything but instantly catches me by surprise and starts crying into my consoling arms.

"Hey, what's going on? Talk to me?" I rub my hands down her back comforting her as she soaks my t-shirt.

Soon after everyone gathers around the table except Noah and Mona. I ask Zoe what's the matter but she just continues to sob into my t-shirt. Riley forcibly removes her from my arms into her own and guides her away while the rest of us sit dumbfounded.

"What happened?" "Something happens?" everyone starts questioning me, but I don't know what to say.

"I asked if she was okay and just started crying and wouldn't talk to me."

"It's okay, it's not your fault" Zara reassures me."Sometimes she gets in these depressed moods and shuts down until she breaks down but Riley always manages to help her out it. The rest of us have learned to reluctantly let Riley deal with it because she naturally gets Zoe.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know. Should I butt out next time?"I wonder and Caleb interjects"No, she needs to open up and we have to keep an eye on her before it escalates. She's been quiet the whole week."

"We are relieved you got her to break. She needs being vulnerable in front of us, or it will consume her."

"Guys, stop talking" Cole starts getting annoyed with everyone.

"What?!" May looks at him. "We have to respect Zoe's privacy. We barely know Aria."

"Sorry, ill just go" I start to walk away and Cole grips my arm "Hey, I didn't mean it that way."

"No, I'm sorry. I have to see my brothers" I lie. The reality is I need to go out for a quick smoke and get away for a while. I start smoking with a group of kids behind the school and soon it's just me and this dude called Derek

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