Chapter Thirty One - 2022

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For a recap: Turn to chapters eight and thirteen. All the friends appear in those chapters. It's entirely optional though.


Despite my desire to ignore what Derek's father said, he stayed in my head. Even though I knew he was not a threat to my family, it still hurt. I also decided not to tell my family about it because I don't want Derek to get hurt in the process. I've grown to care for him. 

Anyways, tonight I am going down to the beach with my friends and also Derek is now part of the friend group as well. I haven't told anyone yet that I have invited Mario along because I knew my friends wouldn't keep their mouths shut and I have a plan. 

I am going to set up Derek and Mario. They have been quite lonely lately and Mario is wanting a life away from the mafia and needs friends outside the mafia and maybe a boyfriend. Shoosh don't tell anyone! It's a surprise.

Derek is also interested in dating, and I think he has a crush on Mario since whenever he was at my house he would play the Playstation with Mario and Matteo. In addition, Mario and Matteo are finally getting along, but not so much Gabriel. Although Mario's father keeps trying to set us up, the elder brothers seem to approve of our friendship. Since they know that there will never be anything between us, they are happy about our friendship as it helps the alliance. Mario said he saw me as his little sister despite the tiniest age difference. The joys of being a short bitch.

Andrea drove me and some of my friends to the beach for New Year's Eve. However, he doesn't know that alcohol was present in the car or he pretended to ignore it. The way we covered it up wasn't exactly subtle. Even from a mile away, you would probably be able to hear the glass bottles clank.

When we arrived at the beach. We met up with the new couple Noah and Mona. I called it from day one. They have been denying the chemistry for years but we all just had to wait for the idiots to realise they had feelings for each other.

I got a text from Mario saying that he was almost here. Time to start meddling. Cue the evil laugh, please.

"Guys," Zoe announces and grasping everyone's attention. She gestures for me to stand and holds out her hand for me to take. She helps me up.

Everyone looks at us both and most importantly, at our hands. "Aria and I have been seeing each other" gasps go all around the fire pit. She then lets go of my hand. Catching me by surprise.

Then she kneels down on one knee. Out of her jacket, she pulls a small box. Immediately, she opens it. It contains a promise bracelet. "Aria, I've liked you since the first time I met you, so I'd like to officially announce that you're my girlfriend. Will you wear this promise bracelet for me?" She looks up at me adoringly with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Yes," I scream as I jump into her arms and wrap my legs around her torso. At that moment, Derek pops the wine's cork. As soon as our lips touch, confetti explodes and we turn over to Riley who does not even pretend to be innocent. She must've been told by Zoe that this was going to happen. How did I become so lucky?

"Who is up for drunken UNO?" Cole shouts. Before anyone can everyone can say no he immediately starts drawing out the cards.

"Who's brought the tequila?" Zara asks. Everyone looks dumbfounded. Who mentioned tequila for tonight? Oh, shit. Zara then reaches in her bag and pulls out a bottle of tequila and plastic shot glasses and passes them around.

"Everyone remembers the rules. The person who comes last has to do a shot of tequila.

"Someone please tell me that they brought salt and a lime," May asks nervously.

"Nope," Zara says with an evil grin. This is going to be rough.

"So who's carrying May home tonight?"

"Not it! She gets weepy when she's drunk" Caleb laughs.

"I do not" she slaps him playfully. "Hey, no violence"

"Caleb you seem to be getting her mixed with Zoe. May is violent when she is drunk"

"Hey, I am not violent when I am drunk. I am always violent. Speaking of violence when you setting me up with your brothers?" she looks at me. I put my hand on my face and thought for a long time. "Does never work for you?" I smile.

She huffs. "Pass the tequila" she gestures to Zara who is getting the shots ready. To her surprise though May takes a swig of tequila straight out of the bottle.

"Taxi for May," Caleb says earning himself another smack on his arm.

"Taxi for May," Caleb says earning himself another smack on his arm

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AUTHOR: Happy New Year! I went into 2022 feeling rough. DO NOT TAKE TEQUILA SHOTS WITHOUT SALT AND LIME. Also, 5 shots in 2hrs on an empty stomach is not a good idea. I was put on the juice for the rest of the night and taken home early by my friend and almost ruined my dad's plans of going out because he thought I'd given myself alcohol poisoning. Ooops 😂🙊

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