Chapter Nine - Katy Perry (I kissed a girl)

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The next day I walked into school and I saw Zoe, I had no idea where the others were so I came up to her and stood in front of her and she smiled at me.

She ran her hands through my hair and whispered in my ear "We are alone today" seductively.

 She wrapped her arms around my neck. She smiled at me and I saw the sparkle in her eyes as she stared deeply into mine and caused my heart to skipped a million beats. 

She removed one of her arms from my neck and her other arm with hand still on my neck and other down clinging on to my waist. Pulling me closer to her so our bodies were pressed against each other.

I could feel our shared breath as if we shared the same heartbeat. The feel of her soft lips pressed against mine caused butterflies to fly in my stomach. She wasn't my first kiss but my last kiss is going to be with her.

"Aria?! Aria?!"


Suddenly I was lying in my bedroom soaking wet with Matteo standing beside my bed with a bucket in his hands with an evil smirk with eventually turned cold as I opened my eyes with shock finally processing what happened.

The bastard had thrown water on me "What the fuck, Matteo?!"

"Don't what the fuck me? Who the fuck were you dreaming about!" He pulled out of his childish manner into a stern tone.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" As I wiped my eyes trying to get myself together before plotting this dipshits murder. "Don't play dumb with me, Allesandro will be hearing about this!" He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me out of my room

"Hear what?" With a panicked voice. Shit

"You were dreaming about a boy, I am finding out who he is and you will never see him again. Understood?!"As he tightened his grip on my wrist causing me to wince but still keeping a stronghold on me.

What?! Oh shit. What the fuck happened... I thought I kissed Zoe but she is a she... a girl. Well, that's new.

"Go do me a favour and remove the stick from your ass" I pulled out of his grip

"Rights that it's" Matteo grabbed my wrist again and threw me over his shoulder and carried me down the stairs as I was kicking and punching him.

"Get your hands off me"

"What the hell is going on here? Let go of your sister, Matteo!" Enzo yelled and he put me down and I ran to hug Enzo and stuck my tongue out with a smug face at Matteo. Serves the bastard right.

"Are you okay Aria?" He looked at me puzzled while subtly sending Matteo daggers.

"My wrist hurts" I whined and gave a quick smirk to Matteo then looked back at Enzo with a hurt expression.

"Go to your room! We will talk about this later."

"What?! This bitch has a boyfriend"

Don't call your sister a bitch. Wait, boyfriend?!" Enzo stopped in his tracks pulled out of his trance and was no longer annoyed at Matteo but at me instead.

What a snitch. So how much is the quickest flight to Japan gonna be? Am gonna need to get outta the country after Allesandro hears about this. Eek 😬

"Snitches ended up in ditches you know?!" I snapped no longer hiding my glares at Matteo.

"Oh go suck dick Aria, wait don't! don't! Fuck... wait what?! No, don't! Just stay in your room forever okay?!" Matteo panicked.

"Matteo if you want me to have sex I will" I laughed but unfortunately they didn't. Enzo looked at me with a cold angry face.

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