Chapter Fifteen - We need to talk

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I woke up beside Aria snoring loudly next to me in our matching skeleton onesies she persuaded me to buy with her. I looked on my phone at Alessandro's messages throughout the night. He wanted me in his office as soon as I got his message. Currently, it was 8 o clock in the morning. Everyone usually is awake at this time except Aria who usually wakes up around 11 am.

I walk to his office and saw all my brothers standing outside the office.

Did I do something?

I bit the bullet knocking on the door walking in to see Ales sitting at his desk with a cup of coffee. He looks like he hasn't even slept. He looked hungover. He looked like a mess.

"I can assume you know something is up." He looks up at me with regret in his eyes.

"I guess," I reply with hesitance.

"Yesterday, I told your brothers some upsetting news and I want you to hear it from me. But before I start I need to know you won't tell Aria"


"When Aria went missing, our father was distraught and turned to drink. I did my best to try to help him, but I undertook too much responsibility to look after all of our brothers and the mafia. I was struggling a lot with the disappearance of our mother and the emotional breakdown of dad."He struggled to get out but stop to take a few deep breaths.

"He desperately looked for Aria still, though?" I asked sceptically.

"No, he didn't. I know you don't want to hear this, but he had a drinking problem. Every time he went out for the mafia. It was in fact to go drinking binge." he groaned in disappointment.

"Why did you hide this?"

"I didn't want to hurt you. Also, there is more. I am so sorry" He let a few tears fall down his cheeks but quickly wipe them away with his rugged hand.

"Why are you sorry?"

"After Dad had died, I stopped looking for Aria and thought she was better off without us. I couldn't handle any more responsibility. I was selfish."He sighed guilt-ridden.

"No, you were not. I hate that you kept this hidden but I understand why you did everything you did."

I placed my hands firmly on his arm and he was placed with his hands resting underneath his clenched jaw.

"So you won't tell Aria?" he looked at me with shame ridden all over his face.

"No, but I think you should" His eyes widened at my words.

"I'll think about it" He composed himself.

"Is there anything else or can I go?

"Actually can you bring your brothers in? I want to speak to all of you."


I sent him to get our brothers because some mafia business needs sorting. One of our dealers is trying to get out and dodging our calls. He's just a kid, but he needs to learn about the world that he threw himself in. I will not risk my mafia for some spoilt brat.

All of my brothers walked in and took a seat in front of me.

"Well, it seems to be our dealer at the high school who seems to be unloyal." I began speaking.

"Who chose the kid?" Gabriel asked with annoyance in his tone.

"That would be Matteo." I pointed towards him as he looked at me gobsmacked. All eyes turned in his direction. Matteo uncomfortably shifted in his seat with confusion.

"What? He sounded alright. He's popular, so it would result in a shit tone of sales. It was the logical thing to do. His dad is even a cop, so we could exploit him to extract any information about the police. He seemed to have a problematic relationship with him that we could've used to our advantage." Matteo explained.

"Yes, yes Matteo but he wasn't reliable and now we have to deal with this kid. I don't think he will appreciate what our plans are with him." I groaned at him while everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Any chance you could find him and get him to come over here willingly?" I asked with doubt in my voice. Knowing the answer already

"Probably not. He's too clever for that." Matteo grumbled.

"I will arrange for some of our men to visit him and drop him off here. I imagine he will be here by 4 o clock and I expect all of you down in the basement. I expect some anger to come out on this kid which won't surprise me." I chuckled causing a stern disapproving glare from my brothers.

"He's just a kid. Who fucked up so don't kill him but give a message" Andrea spoke up before everyone else.

"He had to learn the consequences for his actions but killing him doesn't seem right." Enzo joined in meanwhile Gabriele followed the pack.

"By all means, I understand your reasoning but it will have to depend merely on the kid. If he is willing to cooperate then, he could potentially be given a second chance. If he doesn't cooperate though then he will have to be eliminated. I will not risk this mafia or this family. Next time Matteo you do not hire a cops kid or someone too cocky. We require someone who is intimidated and feared by us and adequately supports our values. We most definitely do not involve a kid who is trying to disappoint their parents."I reason with them all, and the glares die down.

"Gabriele, I need you to hack into the kid's phone and find out his location and everything about his family. I want to make sure if he decides to live that he and his family will not be a threat to our existence. Is that clear?"I order and he nods.

"Yes, Anything else?" He opens the door before leaving.

"No, you all may leave except Enzo," I announce to the room and wait until everyone left before I speak. "I know since the last time we spoke it was rather uncomfortable."

"You mean horrible," he interrupts me.

"Well yes. I would like to start by apologising for my behaviour and the way you had to find out. I understand it must've been hard to hear and especially with the state I was in."

"It's okay but one question. Why were you drinking when you clearly had meetings?"

"I was having a hard day, and it started off with one drink. It will not happen again."

"Good because next time it does I will be taking Aria and the twins away from you" my eyes widen.

"If Aria saw you and I didn't take her away then who knows the state she would be in right now. She was meant to be coming to your office after school. I was meant to be out all day, and she would've been left alone with you," He continues.

"I understand. Thank you for yesterday" I motioned for him to leave.

"Good, I will be going with the men to pick up this kid. I will not let this be another fuck up."

"Of course, you pick the team and go as soon as Gabriel finds out everything about him."


I walk into Gabriele's room and look at the kid's file and the location of his latest whereabouts. The kid's name is Derek Cardell he is 18 years old. His father is employed by SWAT just this month his name is Richard Cardell and his ex-wife and mother of Derek was Robin Smith who is now deceased.

I gathered my most trustworthy men and suited up. We were prepared for a trap. I made sure everyone had their loaded guns on them. I ordered them to wear a bulletproof vest under their suit. A good majority of my men wear bulletproof vests 24/7 in case of unsuspect attacks. I brought 10 of my men and 4 SUVs. We showed up at an abandoned house the kid was allegedly hiding. The Irresponsible Matteo couldn't comprehend how we cannot depend on a privileged kid whose parent was a cop. Except now he is part of SWAT who are more likely out to get us. This kid better comes easy, or it will not end well for him.

The kid decided to instantly try to drive off, but we already stepped ahead of him. We blocked him in, so he had no choice but to surrender but of course, we gave him the choice to come willingly.

"come out kid. The boss only wants to talk to you." One of my men yells to the kid.

"Kid don't make this harder on yourself," I yell.

"Come out with your hands up." Another one of my men speaks up.

He reluctantly walks out of the car that our armed men surrounded. He cautiously places his hands in the air, and my men firmly tighten their aim on the kid's head as I walk over to him. I aggressively search him for weapons or any devices on him and inevitably force him to the ground. I place my knee firmly on his back and motion one of my men over and nod. The man I called over had injected him in the neck with a needle as he squirms. 

He desperately fights the darkness but before he was out called I whispered deeply in his ear "We need to talk."

I feel a nervous shiver go fearfully down his spine before his useless limbs weaken below me.

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