Chapter Sixteen - Don't worry we ain't done with you

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Author: I felt like a total psychopath finding that gif. People expect you to have porn on your computer but for me, it's knives apparently.😂


Around lunchtime, I got a call from Enzo telling me that he and his men were on their way back with the kid. As I assumed he didn't come willingly so is currently out cold in one of the SUV's boots. Stupid kid.

I was considering going easy on him but of course, he chose the hard way as I suspected. The kid has some things coming to him.

First of all, I have to speak to Aria about tonight as we are having dinner at one of the restaurants we own with some of our business associates and she needs to be on her best behaviour and dress appropriately.

I have informed our allies about our sister back but made it clear that she has no involvement in the mafia but will appear at events whenever mandatory. She will be far as informed as the media and all mafia balls to her will be considered a charity with the most wealthy business associates.

At this meeting, they insisted on meeting our Principessa. They mentioned something about trust and needed to meet her or we could potentially lose some suppliers and allies. The Spanish Mafia can be a handful sometimes. They don't trust so easily and are cautious about the surprise return of the mafia princess.

I am walking into the kitchen I saw Aria making some waffles for herself and the twins. The twins were blasting dreadful music throughout the house. "Morning" I walked over to her and kissed her forehead."Morning, do you want some waffles too?" she asked cheerily."No, thank you. I do need to speak to you later about when we are at the restaurant tonight."

"Okay, I can come to your office as soon as I'm done with the waffles," she smiles back at me. I look at her raiding the cardboard noticing she is struggling to reach because of her 5,2 height. I picked up the flour and handed it to her, and she thanked me and I left.


I don't know why I was making waffles for Matteo but ever since yesterday, I feel different about him. I don't recognise my angry older brother but a caring one. Since day one we haven't been getting along, and I barely have known a thing about him. I desperately want to try to get to know him if he lets me anyway. So, for a clear new slate, I decided to offer him some waffles which of course he eagerly accepted. I am known for making the world's best waffles.

 I walk into the dining room and hand the twins some waffles and sit down to enjoy mine too. They both thank me and compliment my waffles and they quickly scoff down.

 They both thank me and compliment my waffles and they quickly scoff down

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Author: Sorry If I make you hungry ⬆😋😍

"Can we talk?" Matteo looks up at me with pleading eyes. I nodded and gave him a weak smile.

"I'm so sorry for everything. I was wrong and I want to make amends. Could we hang out a bit before we leave for dinner?" 

"Yes," I excitedly get up and tackle him into a hug. Looking back I see Gabriele looking at us with jealousy. I smile back at them and wave for them to join "Come in! Join in!" they hurry off their seat and huddles around us and wrapping their big arms around the two of us. I am pretty sure tears were spread. I don't know who was crying more Matteo or Gabriel. I think it's safe to say I am the strongest sibling.

The three of us go to the cinema room and start binge-watching Harry Potter. It was meant to be just me and Matteo but Gabriel insisted on joining. I however ditched Gabriel and sat next to Matteo.

 I however ditched Gabriel and sat next to Matteo

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Cinema Room ⬆


Not going to lie I was experiencing a little bit of jealousy of my twin getting along with Aria. I liked how close we have gotten and now she seems to prefer Matteo over me. I was the one who was the kindest to her since she came.

Just as we were about to move on to the next Harry Potter Enzo sent us to deal with some business and Aria huffed and ultimately gave up complaining and let us go.

I walked downstairs towards the basement. I walked into the 2nd cellar and saw a kid in my year already beaten up and bruised with cuts across his cheeks.

"Gabriel, familiarise us with him?"

"Very well brother, here we have our newest dealer Derek Cardell. He was the head boy at Granite High. He was 18 years old and in his last year. He did apply for Harvard but got no response" I chuckled. I watched his skin crawl as I spoke about him in the past tense. He nervously thought about his slow death in the hands of the De Luca Mafia.

"So kid, big dreams? Were you always planning on abandoning us for Harvard? I foolishly thought you would be more loyal knowing damn well who we are. I do hate when I am made out to look like a fool. We typically prefer someone with loyalty in our company. I do dearly hope we can learn to trust you." Matteo taunts him. 

Andrea picks up a sharp thin knife from the table full of torture devices. He gently places it in front of his neck lightly teasing him by circling the knife in swift motions that come close to an inch away from his skin.

"It'd be an awful shame for Richard to just get a promotion only to lose his son in the process." When I mentioned his name, his battered eyes widened in horror.

"So you didn't think we would carry out our research on you." I darkly chuckle.

"Now, any ideas on what we should do kids?" Alessandro chuckles. Andrea stops teasing the kid and gently slices into his left cheek. He winces and struggles against the rope tied around his ankles and wrists. He sat trapped in a mental chair that was bolted down to the ground.

"Please I beg of you. I'll do whatever it takes." He begs us.

"Hmm, what do you think boys? Does he hold any value to us?"

"I do... I do. Please," he cries out.

"Well?" Alessandro taps his foot tauntingly as he is slowly getting short-tempered.

"I can get my father's files. Everything. You need me." he tries to reason.

"No, I don't think you do. Recognise Gabriel over there? Well, he is our most skilled hacker. He doesn't have to worry over retrieving some useless files your father has possession of."

"ARIA?!" he yells out.

"WHAT ABOUT HER?!" Matteo walks over to him angrily.

"I met her. I am her friend."

"Sure you are" Alessandro looks up at his watch and gasps."Boys, we need to get ready to leave. This can wait."

"See you later, Derek. Don't worry we ain't done with you yet," I whisper in his ear. Matteo plunges a knife deep into his leg. 

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