Chapter Thirty- Misguided

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Currently, I am at Derek's house and working on a school project. My siblings weren't too happy about this arrangement, but they know that Derek is too scared shitless to do anything to me.

Me on the other hand I am not happy about this either. Having one of your friends be afraid of your brothers killing him isn't exactly #friendshipgoals. Nevertheless, it will probably be like this for the rest of my life. It's kinda good I am dating Zoe because It means I will be able to have a sex life as I know my siblings will never hurt a girl and Zoe is most definitely not afraid of them all. It makes it easier that way.

Note to all brothers out there: if you want your little sister to have no sex life then join the mafia.

"So I was thinking we could do interviews for the documentary" Oh yeah forgot to mention I am having to do a documentary for photography. We decided to do a documentary on how life was like being homosexual in the 1970-1980s. Derek knows I am bisexual, and he told me he is pansexual so we easily agreed on the topic.

"But how will we find them?"

"The internet, duh!"

"Gabriel can maybe help. We could perhaps hunt down people who were arrested for being gay."

"Do you think they could find files that go back that old?

"I am sure they can. Plus it's the mafia and we probably could steal a few old files. It's not like the police care about some old files that are probably collecting dust by now" He nods in agreement. I pick up my phone and dial Gabriel's number.

"Hey, can u look up some old files from people who were arrested for being gay?" I ask.

"Give me a minute" the phone goes silent."Emailing you it just now. Be safe and If you are going to interview these people then I want Derek with you at all times. Bring your gun."They say.

Just recently my siblings found out that Mario was teaching me some self-defence. It was supposed to be just basic self-defence stuff but now we are going to shooting ranges and I am learning how to throw knives onto a target. I am beginning to understand why my family are part of the mafia now.

"So do you want to email them and sort the interviews out," I ask Derek. "Yeah, I am on it."

"Good, good. I have to go now Mario wants to meet up," I tell him. "Do me a favour and put some good words in for me."

"Of course, don't worry its only his dad that wants you dead."

"I know, I am glad your family let me live and convinced him to not hunt me down."

"Stop stressing. I have your back."

"See you later," he says as he walks me to the front door.

As I am walking out of their driveway, I see Derek's dad drive up. I wave at him and keep walking. He gets out of the car. "Aria" he calls after me. I turn around. "I know about you and my son. Please keep him out of it. He's different," he sighs. Different? What does that mean?

"Nothing is going on between us. We are friends."

"I know that but please keep him out of it. He deserves a better life than the one you are giving him."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"The drugs. One second I hear about a drug bust gone wrong and hear some people are pissed off with the dealer not showing up and the next second my son comes back home beaten up." He talks quietly."I don't know what you're talking about. I don't do drugs and most definitely will never do such a thing. Maybe you should have this conversation with your son," I play dumb. Fuck.

"I have nothing against you and your family but I want my son out of this mess before people get seriously hurt. Believe me when I say this when I went into my line of work it was meant to protect young kids from dangerous people,"

"What are you suggesting here, sir?" I ask and look up at maintaining eye contact and looking confused.

"Nothing but I just don't want you and your younger brothers getting hurt. You all are still kids who are just misguided." He waves me off and proceeds to walk inside his house.

"Excuse me but my family aren't misguided. It was your son who was caught with drugs and not mine." I huff and walk away. Shit, shit, fuck, FUCK!


I asked out one of our spies who recently just got outed. We have been dating for a few weeks. Today, I decided to ask her out on a date to the gym. I was thinking of taking her underground fighting but currently, she has a lot of enemies out there and It wouldn't be safe for her at the moment.

Here we are at the punching bags. I am also using the new boxing gloves that Aria bought me for Christmas.

"How was Christmas with Aria?" she asked. "It was really good actually, she had her friend and her sister joining us for Christmas as well."

As she gives the bag a final blow, she smiles as she chugs her water while sitting down on the bench. I follow her over to the bench. I sit down next to her.

"What did you do for Christmas?" I ask.

"It was just my older sister and me, but she got called into work." 

"Oh I forgot she was a surgeon."

"Yeah, it's quite good because If I get injured she patches me up and no questions are asked."

"How was it over there? Don't worry I am not asking as your Capo," I assure her.

"There was a lot of pain.  I made some friends there, but I knew where my loyalty lay. The 'friends' I betray was also the ones who murdered my friends in the warehouse are the ones I'm looking for."she sobs but quickly wipes away the tears that have fallen.

"Your still looking for them" I ask

"Yes, I want them to pay. Remember the guy I helped you find well I had been in that house before. He was my ex. He found out I was traitor and told everyone and left me for dead. I thought it would be easier once I found him but he still haunts my dreams."

"He's still alive," she gasps. "If you want, you can see him. I will give you time alone."

"You trust me," she asks surprisedly.

"You probably hate him a lot as I can tell, so I figured you needed a new punching bag rather than the one she was already using today." I laughed and pointed to the punching bag she has been using. She reaches closer to me and wraps her around my waist and then...

Well, it almost went that far until one phone call from Ales. Cockblocker!

"Ales, this better be important," I sigh. "Lose the attitude. I need you and Maria to go to the plane strip. I just got off the phone with Ms Zorkin." he demands.

"Isnt the new Capo for the Russian Mafia?" I ask sceptically.

"Yes, she has brought back some of our men and some of our men to help us over here."

"What do you want me to do Ales?" I groan.

"I need you to sort out our people and get them back to adjustments. Take them to the hospital to get checked out mentally and physically. Report back to me on their status. They need be well aware of the new alliance and a list of how many are willing to work in Russia."

"On it"

"Remember to bring Maria. I think it will be beneficial for our people to be there as most of these people have been kept prisoner for a long time or have been deep undercover for us for a while." He says and then swiftly hangs up the phone.

"So I guess this date is going to be cut short. We've got a plane to catch and some very pissed off people to tend to." I tell her. What a great date this was. Note the saracasm.

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Author: Apologises for boring chapter but it was an important one for filling in details for the storyline in process. I know its not the best chapter but I just ended it with a guy I have been unofficially dating for 4 months and it was mutual decision but sucks to know someone doesn't like you in an romantic way. 

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