Chapter Ten - Broken Rules

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So, Gabrielle and I were sitting in a police station. I was being seated at the arresting officer's desk while Gabrielle was sitting with another officer. Every so often we would glance at each other, and Gabrielle just mouthed 'it's okay'. I don't know if they is referring to the officers or Alessandro's wrath. Yep was shitting it. The prison was likely better than our brothers. 

After a while, maybe 2 hours or something. I honestly lost track of time. It felt like hours. A man walked up to the officers who were with us and pulled them away into another room. I looked up at Gabrielle smiling and telling me 'told you so'. How do you even react to that? On one hand, I'm thrilled they are right, but I hate when someone tells me 'I told you so'.

Suddenly the officers and the man come back and the officer removes our cuffs and the man gestures for us to get up and follow him. Gabrielle squeezed my hand and smiled at me while we followed the man. The man gestured for us to sit down in an empty room in the police station. We did as we were instructed to do. As I was about to speak, the man stopped me.

"Hello, I've been waiting to meet you for a while but not under this circumstance. I am your Dad's friend, and your brothers think of me like family and I hope you will too," the man said. To be honest, I barely knew how to react. "Why do you care?" I said trying not to sound like a bitch but honestly, I was puzzled. My father is gone, and he thinks he can replace that or something. Why?

"I care. I promised him that if anything happened then, I would protect your brothers and well now you too. I didn't even know about your existence until I heard about your mothers passing."

I never thought about asking my brothers why I didn't live with them or knew about their existence. So many questions wrapped around my brain as I struggled to receive the answer on why I never asked and why they never explained anything or ever brought up their past before my mum died. I barely know why they are so wealthy. I was going to find out answers whether they were going to open up or not.

"What did you say to the officers?" I asked the man who still hasn't told me his name.

"Never you mind. It's sorted, but you do know you have a pissed off Alessandro waiting in the parking lot. So you two best be going"

"Well, was nice knowing you. Also thanks"

"Come on. It's time for hell." Gabrielle muttered.

"Fuck, can we just move countries? Am just not feeling like getting yelled at today. Maybe tomorrow."

"Come on, we've got this. If anything we can merely just throw Matteo under the bus"


"I've got several ideas" they evilly smirked at Aria and gave their hand to her to take.

They walked out and saw Alessandro glaring at them emotionless. They quickly walked over and Aria attempted to get into the passenger seat but was stopped by Alessandro's stern voice "Bad children don't get the front seat. Get to the back" I let out a loud huff and made my way to the back seat and slammed the door and sat alongside Gabrielle who was already preparing himself for hell.

"Hey bro," I said reaching over and tapping onto Alessandro's shoulder as he firmly gripped the steering wheel. "Sit," he replied sternly. I huffed and leaned back into my seat.

The big bad wolf wasn't in the mood for a chat. Well, I wasn't in the mood to talk to him either. Every so often Alessandro would look through his front mirror and sigh. Rude much?!

After some time, we arrived home. Alessandro never uttered one word to us but just motioned for us to go to the living room where all our brothers stood in front of Gabrielle and me.

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