Chapter Twenty One - Where our loyalties lie

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A month ago I killed the remaining heirs to my families mafia. My people have thought they have been on a secret mission but they don't know I killed them. I have been in charge 'until' my father returns.

Today is the day they find out they are dead. I spoke to some of my trusted friends in the mafia, and they have helped me hide the bodies until now which is the time when my people will believe my father and brothers died in an explosion at their safe house.

Now I am in charge of the Russian mafia. I am a free woman and most importantly a mafia leader.

No man will stand in my way.

In exactly an hour I will officially be the leader of the mafia and will have power over the pathetic men who tried to weaken me. I will bow down to no man. Human trafficking will end. My father's conversion therapies will end, and all the people residing there will be paid sensationally and reside in a safe space.

Mafia will be safe for all people. From this glorious day, it will be no more just men and women. The mafia is for all no matter the gender or sexual orientation.

Today I am free and soon will so many be too.

I will not tolerate hate in my mafia or anyone near me or my mafia. 


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An hour later my plane landed in Moscow and I gathered my people in my biggest warehouses. I went by one by one with the same speech. Some people took it well and the others were executed and now I am on to the last warehouse where then on I will let the word spread out about my control.

"Hello, I am sure you are aware that unfortunately my fathers and brothers have passed away. I am now in control of the mafia. The time for griefing is for later. We have a new alliance. The Italian Mafia's. I spoke with Alessandro De Luca and we have allied with his Italian mafia that resides in America meanwhile his uncle runs the Italian Mafia in Italy." I spoke. Violent arguments broke out as expected.

"Your a woman, though," one man yelled. "Yes, believe it,  I am a woman. This is my heir and you will respect your queen. If not then you know what happens to those who betray my mafia and also remember you betray all our alliance's mafias. You should watch your words, my friends."I snapped my finger and nodded affirmatively to my right-hand man. He made his way through the anxious crowd and shot the man who dared to insult their queen.

"Now, where was I? Oh yes, the Italian mafia. I will order all our Italian prisoners to be sent on our jet and returned to their mafia. No harm will come to them. They are now our family and should be respected as so. Am I clear?"A bunch of "Yes" surrounded the room.

"You may get back to your posts. Any further instructions will be as so, and you won't like the consequences of defying me. I am still my father's daughter. You will respect me as you would've respected my brothers. I am a woman but most importantly I am Sasha Zorkin, your queen."

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