Chapter Thirty Three - Caught

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The two spent the night together in Aria's room. They talked throughout the night, keeping up  the siblings until five in the morning. The siblings were out for revenge. Their plan was in place. They were going to scare the crap out of them. As they were listening to music this morning, they were distracted and could not hear them coming.

The door was quietly opened. They slammed it shut immediately. The unthinkable had just happened. Zoe was on top of Aria. The two were having sex. The siblings just stumbled upon Aria having sexual relations, and it was with a girl. Gabriel was the only one who knew Aria was gay. The De Luca family was speechless. Aria and Zoe were horrified. Aria even barricaded her door. She vowed to never leave the room again.

"What do we do?" Alessandro whispers to his siblings as they all stand in shock gathered outside of the younger sisters door.

"Run," Matteo says and without hesitation, they all run away from the door and make their separate bedrooms and lock the door. Getting ready to wash their eyes out with bleach.


"What the fuck do I do now?" I panic at Zoe who looks equally panicked and mortified as me. My brothers just walked in on us and found out I like girls. Fuck! 

"Can I just leave?" Zoe asks sheepishly. "Can I come with you?" I awkwardly laughed. "Okay, should we make a run for it" she asks.

"It's not like I want to talk to my family about what happened so yes" 

I mentally counted to three in my head. I unlocked the door and unbarricaded the door. Opening the door. We ran downstairs. I heard a door open behind us. "Aria?"

"Nope" I replied and continued running. "Where are you going?" They shouted. "Derek's"

"We need to talk about this" they sighed but let us run out of the house. Do we have to talk about it? It's not like I can get pregnant.

We uber it to Derek's house. Once we knocked on the door. Derek answered looking at us confused seeing as we looked out of breath and exhausted. We looked like crazy people which he wouldnt be entirely wrong about, though. Who doesn't love crazy though?

"What's up?" he says.

"My family just walked in on us" I blurted out. He quickly ushered in the house.

"They know you're here?" he questions.

"Yes, we ran out of the house though. I'm never going back" 

"You do realise they will drag you back themselves if you don't go home" I hate it when he is right.

"Protect me please. Wait, actually hide me"

"I couldn't even hide from your family what makes you think that I could hide their little sister from them." he reminds me of the time he was tortured. They won't do that to Zoe right?!

"Fuck, do they know where I live?" Zoe turns her attention over to me with a worried expression. "Yes"

"Can I change my identity?"

"You could but I doubt it would stop them finding you Zoe," Dereks says. I smack his arm." Smartass". "Hey, I was just trying to help" he holds his hands up in surrender. 

"Oh yeah because making smart ass comments helps fix the damn issue." I snark.


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