Chapter Thirty Two - Mistakes

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The girls all crashed at The De Luca household. The girls decided it was the safest place to recover from a deadly hangover. They all lay sprawled out across the living room in the mansion. Enzo had the unluckiest job ever which was to bring all the drunk girls back home in a black SUV. Not suspicious at all.

There is a couch where Riley, May, and Zara lay together. May is lying face-down on Riley's stomach, while Riley's head lies on the armrest. As Zara lay across the other armrest, her legs stretched across May's legs, and her feet were dangling right next to her face.

Mona lay sprawled out on the living room floor, her red lipstick smeared across the rug. A newly-announced couple was fast asleep on the couch, cuddling up against one another. The tear-stained face of Zoe lay on Aria.

The sleep was disturbed by an unannounced brother called Enzo entering the living room with an airhorn. Setting off the airhorn caused chaos. Screaming could be heard miles away. Faces were kicked and the confused faces of the night events were clear on the girl's faces as they tried to remember last nights events. With the screaming and groaning of the girls, multiple guards came bursting through the door with guns drawn. Only to be lowered by the sound of Enzo's deep stern voice commanding them to lower their weapons at the young girls.

In another room of the mansion. Appeared a tired Alessandro working in his office. Only surviving with god knows how many cups of coffee were delivered throughout the night. Every hour it seemed like he ordered a new cup of coffee. He hated another year. He just thought about the chaos and damage caused by the wild night by his people during their celebrations of the new year. The maternity leaves will be needed soon. He also thought of the cover he would need when people will phone because they can't work because of a serious hangover. A phone rang in Alessandro's office. He sighed at picked up the phone expecting a phone call which would result in him bailing someone out of jail or having to sort his reputation.

To his surprise, it was a phone call he was not expecting.

"Hello" he speaks into the phone.

"Hey, its me! How's little Aria?" the unknown caller says through the phone.

"No, are you kidding me? You don't get to call now and especially not how you left. You don't get to do this time and most definitely not again. You left us. You don't get it. You don't deserve her. You don't deserve to know her. You left me again. I needed you but you didn't care. It was always me. I took care of this family and the mafia. You say you are older and wiser but you are missing the wiser. So no you don't get to do this to me and not her. She is better without you"

"She's my family too"

"No, she will never be your family. Family doesn't leave. Tell me now why did you phone."

"It's 2022, can I not say hello to you"

"No, I have a mafia to run not to deal with your shit. So tell me now why are you so assisting in meeting my little sister. It must only benefit you if it means you phoning."

"What no? We just want to meet her"

"Well, you all can go kiss my ass then"

"Very well, see you soon Capo" they mock. Alessandro throws the phone across his office. His thoughts are disturbed when Enzo walks in and notices the phone smashed against the wall.

"Let me guess who"

"Don't even bother. They are coming."

"I'll get better security sorted" he tries to leave the office but is stopped by Capo's deep voice. "Well do that. Now, what do you want?" Alessandro grumps. 

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