Chapter Twenty Five - Introduction to my family's Business

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Author: Nicolo and Brio are twins


All the twins and I were currently at a mini-golf course. Matteo, of course, was losing, and Gabriele and I are tied 1st place. Here we are at the last hole. The tiebreaker. Matteo went first and ended up failing so badly. Meanwhile, the rest of us got a hole-in-one.

Matteo went on to have a tantrum like a kid and threw his golf club. He ended up striking one of the displays. One of the managers came storming over. Nicolo issued the owner a check but of course, Matteo had to go and get us banned from the place. Brio was currently driving since my idiot twins siblings lost their keys for the month. 

I don't care what they say it was definitely NOT my fault. Okay? Maybe a little. Oops. No regrets, though.

"Who's up for a Mcdonald" Brio screams excitedly. Nicolo grunts in disgust. The rest of us were very happy with Mcdonalds, though. Why is there always that person? Mr Grumpy Pants.

"What have you got against my pal Ronald?" I ask defensively. "It's for poor people. Why would we go there? We have so many other healthy options." he argues back.

"It's McDonald's though" Gabriel whines. "It's disgusting." "How dare you? You're my least favorite cousin!" I kick Nicolo's seat in front of me. He turns his back around and looks at me. Gabriele looks at me with concern meanwhile Matteo is too busy thinking he's a sore loser.

"Don't even think about kicking my seat again," he warns me. Should I listen? Nope. I launch one final kick before my death.

"Right, that's it," Nicolo snaps. My siblings straighten up in their seats and nudge me farther into my seat. Gabriele peeps through the gap separating the front and back seats and goes face to face with Nicolo who has taken his seatbelt off and is ready to jump at me from the passenger seat. "Sit. Your. Ass. Back. Down," Gabriele warns him.

"Brio, Find a restaurant that's NOT McDonald's," he tells his twin. Brio nods."No, We are going to McDonald's. If you don't like it, Nicole get the fuck out of the car.""You cannot tell me what to do." Nicola snaps."Oh, well, I am sure that the others would love to know about the little incident you had with Aria a second ago" Gabriele says with a bright beam smile."Brio, drive to McDonald's" Nicolo gags.

Time to slap a bitch.

"Can't believe he's our cousin," I whisper into Matteo's ear. "I know," he laughs."What are you two laughing about?" Nicolo complains."Oh, nothing," I say and he grunts. 

We pull up to the Mcdonald's drive-thru and of course, the one and only Nicolo bitches the whole time. "So, how much does the princess know about our work," Brio asks. "Not much. Why?" Gabriele says.

"How would she feel about seeing my lab" Brio exclaims."Puppies?" I squeal. They all erupt into laughter.

What's so funny?! I wanna see puppies

"Is there something I should know about?" I ask."Do you want to see a small part of our work?"Gabriele asks me but looks at me with apprehension. "You mean mafia stuff," I internally roll my eyes.

I would prefer the puppies  

"Yes, don't worry though it's only a small fraction and the easiest part of it." Gabriele says.

"Easy?! Gabriele, it's not easy because if it was then you would be doing it instead of me."

"Okay. I admit easy was the wrong word to use."

"So what is the right word then," I ask.

"The less controversial and dangerous I guess," Gabriele says. "Let's go then" I mock in an excited tone. Brio steps on the gas.

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