22: The End

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November 29th 2021

"Good morning everyone and welcome back again." The announcer said turning towards me in his swivel chair as the cameras flickered on once again. "Today we are joined with Mrs. Ella Matthews."

"Hi." I said, sending a fake smile towards the video cameras, which were blinking red.

"So let me fill you all in." The stout man spoke, almost cutting me off. "As most of us know today marks the 20th year, or, the 2nd decade of world famous Beatle, George Harrison's passing."

I glanced towards the shiny floor below the uncomfortable indigo chair which I was seated on. I had been asked to come into the local news station to do a live interview on the subject of my late husband's life.

"Mrs. Ella Matthews here had grown up with George Harrison, meeting him in 1959 and marrying him in 1970, just 3 weeks after his hit album 'All Things Must Pass. Now, Mrs. Matthews," he asked leaning in. "can you tell us a little bit about what George was really like?"

"Oh uhm, sure." I replied shifting my weight and tucking a silky grey strand of hair behind my ear. "Well sir," I replied, thinking back to the answers that I had decided on prior to the interview. "George was a not only a great musician, but also a great friend. Like you said, I met him in 1959. At that time I didn't even know who he was, frankly, not maybe people did.

We grew close rather quickly, if my memory serves me right it was almost a 'Damsel in distress' moment when we first truly met. We were at The Cavern late at night and a man tried to dance with me, suddenly this young boy steps up and gets the drunk away. Little did I know that boy was George."

"I see... So Ella, can you tell us a little bit more about his character? How he acted?"

"Oh well, not really actually..." I said in an almost whisper tone. I unbelievably nervous and to make matters worse I completely forget the answers to the questions. Old age is really getting the better of me. I was starting to tear up for the wound of my husband's passing had still not fully healed. "He was quiet, emotional, and he was very thoughtful. He cared for me so much."

The interview trailed on for what seemed to last a lifetime. I didn't know if my emotions would allow me to get through this without breaking down, it was excruciating.

"Mrs. Matthews? Mrs. Matthews?"

I came back to reality with the sound of a cocky voice shouting my name.

"Y-yes?" I questioned, peering down at the large man.

"I asked, what memory comes to mind when you think of Mr. Harrison?"

"Oh... I-um..." I stuttered. Suddenly my mind was whisked elsewhere.

My conscious brought me back to The Cavern, 1959. I watched the scene play out in my head like it had before, countless times.

"Ella, what a pretty name for a pretty girl."


"Mrs. Matthews are you sure you're alright? Are you well?"

"Y-yes... I'm fine. What was the question again?" I asked, shaking slightly at the sudden flashback.

The interviewer drew in a deep breath. "Once again, I asked what memory comes to mind when you think of George?"

My eyes glossed over. "Well sir... I can't pick just one. I really just can't... There's-- there's just too many."

So there I sat, smiling as a few stray tears glided slowly down my wrinkly cheeks. I looked up to the bright lights above me, trying to bring my mind off of the past and back into the present so I wouldn't break down.

I stared deeply into the shining light, wondering how the years flew by so fast. It seemed like almost yesterday when Paul and I had had a pillow fight in his house, just today Paul was preforming at a sold-out stadium concert. How I still remember the childlike nature of Ringo the first day I met him, and he was still the same boy I had met all those years ago. John, I can still remember walking home with him late at night, us finally becoming friends. Now he was someplace else, finally at peace once and for all. And of course, who could forget George, the love of my life, my home. I still recall the slim, defined teddy boy that once stood up on an old rickety stage in 1959. Presently, I didn't know where he was, but where-ever he was someday I would be too.

I couldn't stop gazing towards the light, however it wasn't blinding me like it usually would. My brow furrowed as I looked closer... Maybe it could've been the way the lights were turned but I swear, I saw two men, one with a sharp toothy grin and one with a bird like nose, staring right back at me, smiling.

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