17: I Have Decided

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The peaceful afternoon smoothly transitioned in a dark and gloomy evening. The fluffy white clouds which had before painted the pale blue sky had seemed to be dipped in a bucket of dark grey paint. It had started to spit rain out at around dinner time, which had came to our inconvenience since the 5 of us had decided to leave the grassy fields to search for a place to eat (to George's request of course).

Eventually, we came across an old family diner on the corner of York street. We bustled through the glass doors, squeezing to fit inside the homey, already over-crowded eatery. 

"Erm, table for 5." George said, raising his voice and showing a 5 with his long fingers to the skimpy waitress. 

"Make it 6 m'lady!" John hollered at the red haired waitress eyeing her up and down.

"Sha'tup!" The rest of us exclaimed, annoyed by his constant remarks. 

We were eventually given a bright red booth which matching the loud décor. The plastic white table divided John and I apart, giving me some room to breath. Paul sat beside John, seemingly scolding him for his remarks. However, we could clearly see he found it funny... Ringo and George squished in on either side of me which I found surprisingly warm and comforting, despite the fact that my shoulders were being pushed in to make room for theirs.

We chatted for quite some time, commenting on the funny abstract art placed around the thin snow colored walls or the silly looking lady behind us who sported an awfully big hat for her petite frame.

While Paul was busy going on about how John and him had begun to record a new song by the name of  "Love Me Do" the red haired waitress came trotting over to take our orders. She picked up our folded menus and placed them blocking her chest much to John and Paul's disadvantage. 

"So what can I get for you lads and lady?" She asked while pulling out a small paper notepad from her pocket then picking up and taking off the cap of her pen.

"Well love, can I please get the beef and mashed potatoes special?" Paul decided.

The waitress let out a small giggle at Paul's unusually proper food choice, I of course did too.

Ringo then chimed in "May I get the hamburger and fries?" 
George and I followed in suite, ordering the same thing and deciding to split it.

Soon enough, it was John's turn. It was almost as if I was watching the gears in his head turn as he tried to think of something smug to say. The last thing we needed was for John to over-do it... Again. "Well dear," he said scanning her up and down slowly.  Oh no, this can't be good. "There's a few things I could get... Why don't you tell me what I want love? Why don't you recommend  something for me."

The waitress gasped and bit her lip, applauded by John's unkind words. "Well, I would suggest the I don't give a damn so stop trying. Now, do you want extra ketchup with that?"

John's mouth flew open as the 4 of us snorted and laughed at the remark from the fiery girl. It had been a while since John had gotten a well deserved insult. For one reason or another, it almost made me feel better about him being suck a dick all the time.

We soon finished up our food after John had decided on a plain hamburger and scrambled out of the diner.

It had come to my attention during the outing that John had been acting different lately. He had always been a prick and maybe he had tried to get to know me a little TOO well once but I had been starting to notice that before the incident at The Cavern he wasn't actually that bad. I had decided right then while walking  down the cold evening streets of Liverpool that I would speak to him about it when I got the chance to. I was doing this not only for me, but for the band and the growing amount of fans.

Ew ew ew! I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't really make sense but I promise I have ideas. The book might be over soon guys I don't know yet. I hope you are all enjoying it. You may notice some dates don't match up with real events. I hope that's alright? I'm just writing this book for fun and I really hope you all don't mind.

Peace & Love,


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