11: The End of Life as I Knew It

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"Well, well, well." A familiar voice cut through. "If it isn't El and her boyfriend... Her second one might I add."

My heart sunk as I realized who it was. I couldn't meet his eyes. Paul and I stood frozen in place soundless.

"Cheeky." He added leaning against a brick wall which boarded the tight space. "I thought you would be off with George today!"

"John, I-" I stammered quickly being cut off.

"And might I add what a lovely shirt you have on." He directed to me. "What brand is it Paul? I've seen you wear it before." John took a long drag off of his cigarette. Holding the woodbine between his teeth he gave Paul his infamous John Lennon smirk.

"Johnny, it not what it looks like! I promise, I can explain."

"Can you really though Paul? It'd be a shame if George found out y'know."

I stood there with my mouth agape as I watched George protrude from the darkness of the alleyway.

"Ella..." George spoke his voice trailing off. "Are you serious? With one of my best mates?"

"I- I'm sorry George it's not what you think." I whispered feeling my face heat up.

"Tut, tut, tut." John articulated coolly waving his hand in front of my face. "I think George has seen enough."

George rushed out of the alleyway not even shooting me a glance. I fell to my knees and rested my head in between my palms. Leaning back against the opposite brick wall that John was on I let out a whimper. Paul began to crouch down to comfort me but instead shot right back up. He marched over to John merely inches away from his face.

"How could you do that John! We didn't do anything." He yelled raising his voice.

"Sure ya didn't McCartney. Let me ask you why she's wearing your clothes?" He asked calmly.

"It's a long story John."

"Well I don't have all day!"

"Okay fine you want to know, I'll tell ya!" He said. I could tell his temperature was rising. "I found Ella on the dock in the pouring rain, angry about what you pulled on her yesterday!" He shot his finger up to John's face pointing it at him.

"Oh so you heard about that eh? I guess El really can't keep a secret." He glanced over to me realizing I was almost at my breaking point. "It's a shame really, too bad you ended up in her pants last night. But, I'm sure she would have rathered me."

I had never seen John like this, he was worse than yesterday by far. I pulled my knees up to my cheeks and pushed my face into my legs, I couldn't let John see my cry. I was too hurt to be angry at this point so I let the rush of tears fall down my face.

"John!" Paul screamed pinning him against the wall. "El did nothing wrong! You take that back!"

John seemed unfazed, he was cool and collected and it made me want to scream.

"Whatever McCartney." He voiced blowing his cigarette smoke into Paul's eyes and nose.

I watched through my tears as John sauntered out of the alley way and into the distance. I let out a sob and covered my face with my hands, not caring about anything else in the world.

"Ella..." Paul muttered, running over to me pulling me into the biggest hug that he could muster. "Everything is going to be ok! We just have to tell George what happened and it'll be fine, I promise."

I kept silent, I couldn't bare to look at Paul. He had now been caught in the middle of my problem, how tragic.

We spoke few words as we sat beside each other.

"I'll promise it'll get better. I'll fix this." He whispered.

"How?" I muttered through my sobs. "How can you fix this Paul? Tell me."

He let out a sigh and pulled me into his chest. "I don't know Ella, but we will. George loves you and John is just angry 'cause you won't have sex with him. It's not your fault."

Is it really not my fault though? I thought to myself. If I would have just accepted John's offer there wouldn't be anything wrong. Paul doesn't know how to fix this, I don't know how to fix this. Everything I had is gone. Just like that.

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